Sign in with Spotify, pick a playlist, music will start on your selected device and the songs will change each minute! Neato.
Find it on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store
Built and shipped to stores within three days as part of an internal @expo hackathon.
Built using Excalidraw
- Expo managed workflow - built apps for store using Expo build service
- expo-updates for over-the-air updates.
- @expo/google-fonts for including Google Fonts.
- @expo/vector-icons and the related icon directory.
- expo-auth-session to authenticate with Spotify.
- Splash screens and icons were generated using Icon Builder.
- react-navigation with createNativeStackNavigator
- react-native-reanimated for smoothly animating device list appearance on iOS.
- recoil via the Naturalclar/recoil fork for shared state, in order to try it out in React Native (upstream support coming soon)
- spotify-web-api-js for an easy-to-use, TypeScript compatible wrapper for the Spotify API.
- react-query to make firing the API calls from components a pleasant experience.
- Minimal backend for getting access token is built using Vercel's serverless functions.
- A bunch of other libraries for the things you'd expect them to be for, to name a few: @react-native-community/async-storage, @react-native-community/hooks, react-native-htmlview, react-native-safe-area-context
Ping me on Twitter @notbrent if you actually want to do this and I will write instructions for you.
Do whatever you want with this, I do not care.
I got the idea to build this from a post on /r/reactnative where someone showed off an app called Power Hour that does the same thing in different ways.