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Reducing URLfetches

Sandy edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 1 revision

There are several ways to reduce URLfetches to prevent hitting Google's Daily max.
Unfortunately Google Sheets will sometimes auto refresh everything and we've yet to find a good work around this, which is one of the reasons the sheet is currently limited to ~100 characters max

Only refresh the section you need

Instead of refreshing your entire roster, we've added the ability to refresh by section For example, if you want to update your gear section, type something into the gear refresh cell

Remove what you don't need

Maybe your guild doesn't really care about Reputations or Professions.

Unhide the individual sheets that you don't want through the view menu

delete 1

You should be able to delete the formula call in cell A2 which will make columns A B C go blank, and prevent the sheet from calling the API section

delete 2

You can re-hide the sheet you don't need by right clicking on the Tab and selecting Hide Sheet

"Static" Mirror

Since the sheet will periodically update itself and refresh everything (causing about 8 urlfetches per character!) if you're having constant issues hitting the URLfetch you may want to just use the sheet to gather data, and then make a separate google document that references the Master Sheet's data.

When you want to update your Mirror's data you'll want to open up your original document and refresh it.

$$$ 😩

One "easy" way to increase your limit is to pay Google, which we know no one wants to do but hey.. it's a solution?

Google Workspace Accounts start at $6 a month and will give you 5x the amount of daily URL fetches