A network socket is a software structure within a network node of a computer network that serves as an endpoint for sending and receiving data across the network.
- ✨Magic ✨
- Decentralised
- Peer to Peer
- Secure as Heck
- Leightweight
- Better texting than Whatsapp prolly.
- sOcKeTs
- Threading
- Streams
- Exception handeling
- google to Find Public IP?
- my two braincells left.
requires JDK to run. (obviously duh)
For Client
javac Client.java
java Client
For Server
javac Server.java
java Server
Everything is in code folder.
Keep Client and Server files away from each other if you are trying this out on localhost, the class names are same so while compiling the class files will be replaced by Client or Server depending on which you compile after which, keeping both files in seperate folders (like they are rn) eliminates this
but brij you should have renamed the classes to avoid this conflicts and why are there two files even? you could have surely filtered it into a singular file for Server and Client Both.
my answer: it is what it is. i made this in a hurry and i dont feel like doing it now, but hey, you can always do it yourself, dont forget to make a pull request. (lol)
one PC will run Client File, another will run the Server File.
(or not you can run both on same PC in different Terminals to have Fun)
you'll need the Public IPv6 of the PC running Server, it's needed to establish a Socket connection.
remember, P U B L I C - I P v 6
it'll ask you for it when you run Client Program.
it should also have worked for IPv4 but for some reason it doesn't, meh.
if you're running this on same PC just give localhost
as IP.
Made with Shear Agony and Distaste for the world ❤ by Brijrajsinh Parmar