Aim of the Demo is to bring to light performance considerations when designing a Scalable MEAN Applicaiton and also ARM template for Centos VM Cluster template
initial copy of chirp app taken from
azure login
Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager
azure config mode arm
New-AzureResourceGroup -Name 1resgrp -Location "West US" New-AzureStorageAccount -Name 1stoacc -Location "WEST US" -AccountType Standard_LRS -ResourceGroupName 1resgrp
azure group create 1resgrp westus azure storage account create -l westus -g 1resgrp --type LRS 1stoacc
storage account, frontendstorage account, redis host, redis key, new relic key and Dns name for node cluster .
The username and password will have root access on the Ubuntu VMs as well as admin acess on the mongodb replica set
New-AzureResourceGroupDeployment -Name mongo-deploy-2 -ResourceGroupName 5-res-grp -TemplateUri -Verbose