Re-built from the ground up in the new and improved ✨ ✨
A REST API for public Warhammer Age of Sigmar data. Built with Go + Lambda.
The API is free and public. Try it out!
Looking for API documentation? We've got 'em! Our documentation covers everything you can request from our API.
If you'd like to contribute to the request handling and inner-workings of the API, you'll need a few things set up in your development environment.
- Install
- Setup Go
- Enjoy 🎉
# Build the lambda handlers
task build
# Run the lambda handlers locally
task invoke
# Run the tests
task test
Wanna contribute your Warhammer mini data to the API?
We'd love your contributions! We've tried to make it as easy as possible for people to add their info without needing to understand the code.
Check out our contributing page to get started!
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!