A general multiplexed amplicon sequencing and quality control pipeline specifically built for Plasmodium falciparum data
Input: paired-end fastq files, reference genome, gff3 annotaiton file of amplicon panel or genes
Output: tsv file of read counts per amplicon/gene per sample, MultiQC reports
- Search for and validate specified paired-end fastq files
- Run FastQC on raw reads.
- Run Trim Galore, removing adapter content and low quality sequences.
- Run FastQC on post-QC reads.
- Align to reference genome using BWA-Mem or Bowtie2.
- Filter for soft-clipping (BWA-Mem only) and retain only properly paired reads (both aligners).
- Run FastQC on bam file of filtered aligned reads.
- Once all samples finished QC and aligning, generate table of read counts per amplicon per sample
- Run MultiQC to collate all FastQC results into reports.
- Python>=3.7
- Bowtie2
- FastQC
- HTSeq
- MultiQC
- Samclip
- Samtools
- Trim-Galore
Install Anaconda or miniconda (if not already installed)
Clone Github repository:
git clone https://github.com/broadinstitute/AmpSeQC.git
Move into the directory:
cd AmpSeQC
Create a new conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the environment:
source activate ampseqc
Make sure you have activated the ampseqc conda environment source activate ampseqc
You can run the script like so.
python3 /path/to/AmpSeQC/AmpSeQC.py -c output_read_counts.tsv -r /path/to/reference.fasta -a /path/to/annotations.gff fastq_R1.fq.gz fastq_R2.fq.gz ...
is the file you want your read counts to go to/path/to/reference.fasta
is a samtools and bwa or bowtie2 indexed fasta file of your reference- default is reference.fasta in script directory
is a gff3 file of your amplicons/genes you want read counts for- default is amplicons.gff in script directory
are paired-end reads in fastq format (you can list as many pairs of files as you want)
There's a lot more to the script, but those are the basics. See help file for more details.
usage: AmpSeQC.py [options] -c [read_counts] -r [ref.fasta] -a [annot.gff] fastq [fastq ...]
Amplicon sequencing quality control pipeline
positional arguments:
fastq Paired-end fastq files (can be gzipped). Expects pairs to be in separate files.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COUNTS, --counts COUNTS
Read count tsv file (default: read_counts.tsv)
-r REF, --ref REF Indexed reference fasta file to align to (default: reference.fasta)
-a ANNOT, --annot ANNOT
Amplicon/gene gff3 file to generate read counts of (default: amplicons.gff)
--2color Run with 2 color chemistry (e.g. iSeq) QC parameters (default: False
-l MIN_LENGTH, --min_length MIN_LENGTH
Minimum read length (in bp) to retain after trimming (default: 70)
-q MIN_BQ, --min_bq MIN_BQ
Minimum base quality (PHRED score) to retain after trimming (default: 20)
-N MAX_N, --max_N MAX_N
Maximum number of 'N' bases allowed in read (default: 1)
Maximum insert size (in bp) expected for aligner (default: 500)
-S SOFT_CLIP, --soft_clip SOFT_CLIP
Maximum soft clipping (in bp) allowed for BWA-Mem (default: 5)
--bowtie2 Align with Bowtie2 instead of BWA-Mem (default: False)
--min_amplicon_count MIN_AMPLICON_COUNT
Minimum total read count to retain an amplicon (default: 0)
--min_sample_count MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT
Minimum total read count to retain a sample (default: 0)
--no_fastqc Do not run FastQC or MultiQC
-p PROCS, --procs PROCS
Number of processors to use (default: 1)
-c COUNTS, --counts COUNTS
- This is your output file where you want read counts per amplicon per sample to go to.
-r REF, --ref REF
- This is a samtools faidx and bwa and/or bowtie2 indexed (depending on which aligner you used) reference genome.
- The default is reference.fasta, the Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 genome.
-a ANNOT, --annot ANNOT
- This is the annotation file with your amplicons or genes. Needs to be gff3 format!
- The default is amplicons.gff, the Neafsey lab's own Plasmodium amplicon panel.
- This runs Trim-Galore in 2-color mode, useful for iSeq or NovaSeq 2-color chemistry data. (default: disabled)
-l MIN_LENGTH, --min_length MIN_LENGTH
- This specifies the minimum read length to retain after trimming with Trim-Galore. (default 70 bp)
-q MIN_BQ, --min_bq MIN_BQ
- This specifies the minimum base quality to retain during trimming. (default: Q20)
-N MAX_N, --max_N MAX_N
- This specifies the number of "N" bases allowed in a given read during trimming. (default: 1)
- This specifies the expected maximum insert size of your library. Set this to a bit bigger than your largest amplicon. (default: 500 bp)
-S SOFT_CLIP, --soft_clip SOFT_CLIP
- This specifies the amount of soft clipping allowed in alignment. Only applies when using BWA Mem. (default: 5 bp)
- Run Bowtie2 global aligner instead of BWA Mem local aligner. No soft clipping is allowed. (default: disabled)
--min_amplicon_count MIN_AMPLICON_COUNT
- Filter read count output to remove amplicons with fewer than this many reads across all samples (default: 0)
--min_sample_count MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT
- Filter samples with fewer than this many total counts across all amplicons (default: 0)
- Don't run FastQC or MultiQC. Speeds up analysis if only interested in read counts. (default: disabled)
-p PROCS, --procs PROCS
- Enabled parallel processing of QC and alignment of samples. Specify up to the number of processors your system has. (default: 1)
Coming soon...