This JavaFX application provides an interface for the management of a database storing information on cartoons. The functionalities provided include saving new and updating existing cartoons, locations, and characters; adding and deleting images of cartoons, locations, and characters; and viewing character statistics.
The purpose of this repository is to provide an example application utilizing the combination of JavaFX, Hibernate, and PostgreSQL.
a) Download and install PostgreSQL here.
b) Download and install pgAdmin here.
c) In pgAdmin, run the scripts for database creation, schema creation, and table population.
d) Install Maven if not already installed.
- On Linux, open a terminal and execute "sudo apt install maven".
e) Build the project.
- From the directory containing the POM file, execute the command, "mvn package".
f) Run the project.
- Extract the contents of the compressed folder in the desired location.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory to find the jar file.
- Run the program with the command, "java -jar <name-of-JAR-file>.jar"