This is a simple Rails plugin that works with Hobo.
It adds a bunch of tags to Hobo that instantiate various JQuery UI widgets.
Install with
rails plugin install git:// -r rails3
or add
gem "hobo-jquery", :git => "git://", :branch => "rails3"
to your Gemfile.
Install the javascript and css files with
rails generate hobo_jquery:install
To use, you need to include hobo-jquery and add the assets to your page. In your application.dryml:
if you installed it as a plugin:
<include plugin="hobo-jquery" />
if you installed it as a gem:
<include gem="hobo-jquery" />
in both cases you must add also:
<extend tag="page">
<old-page merge>
Hobo Jquery calls
to avoid conflicts with prototype. $
is still bound to
prototype.js. To use jQuery, use jQuery
instead of $