A vanilla JavaScript, Single Page Web App that lets you test your knowledge in a range of subjects.
Quizard is a single page JavaScript web app which allows users to play a quiz game, create and login to accounts, and save quiz scores to compare scores on different quizzes.
Quizard was created as a sample project to explore designing vanilla JavaScript single page apps while integrating outside APIs for data in addition to a backend with auth and user permissions.
- Ruby on Rails
- ActiveRecord
- JavaScript
- Sqlite3
- bcrypt
To get Quizard installed and running, first clone the Github Repository into your directory and navigate to the backend folder to install the required gems and get the database set up:
cd backend
bundle install
rails db:migrate
Then start up the rails server - notice that the app is setup to run the backend on port 3001:
rails s -p 3001
To get the front end running, navigate into the frontend folder and run your server (I'm using lite-server)
~frontend lite-server
def login
@user = User.find_by username: params[:username]
if !@user
render json: { error: 'Authentication failed.' }, status: :unauthorized
if !@user.authenticate params[:password]
render json: { error: 'Authentication failed!' }, status: :unauthorized
payload = { user_id: @user.id }
secret = Rails.application.secret_key_base
token = JWT.encode payload, secret
render json: { token: token, user: @user }
def authorize
header = request.headers['Authorization']
puts request.headers['Authorization']
token = header.split(' ')[1]
if !token
render json: { error: 'User not authorized' }, status: :forbidden
secret = Rails.application.secret_key_base
payload = JWT.decode(token, secret)[0]
@user = User.find payload['user_id']
rescue StandardError
render json: { error: 'User not authorized' }, status: :forbidden unless @user
function selectAnswer(event) {
const correctAnswer = event.target.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('data-correct-answer');
if (event.target.textContent === correctAnswer) {
totalCorrect += 1;
$.answerTotal.textContent = totalCorrect;
event.target.style.backgroundColor = "#3fa649";
} else {
event.target.style.backgroundColor = "#e63743";
if (currentQuestionIndex < shuffledQuestions.length - 1) {
} else {
setTimeout(function () { endGame(totalCorrect) }, 1000);
funtion UserLogin(event) {
const formData = new FormData(event.target);
const username = formData.get('username');
const password = formData.get('password');
const user = {
fetch(db.login, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(user)
function handleResponse(response) {
if (response.error) {
alert(`Error! ${response.error}`)
} else {
Current Features:
- Play as a guest user or create an account to keep coming back
- Full auth
- Select specific categories to quiz yourself on
- Save scores to your user account
Future Features:
- Timer to track how long your quiz took
- Add more categories to be quizzed on
- Create a leaderboard with public high scores
- Ability to choose how many questions appear on the quiz
The application is fully functional and ready to be enjoyed as is. Future updates and improvements are still a possibility.
Created by Bryce Kennedy
If you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out to me and thank you for your time.