Full Stack Developer with a background in Public Arts Education and Leadership. I have a passion for creating elegant, engaging front ends, using succinct, modularized, and reusable code.
After a decade of teaching, I decided transfer the skills of developing engaging user experiences and creatively solving complex problems I honed while teaching into a career in tech. If you'd like to collaborate or chat, feel free to reach out!
- Auth with Rails - Part 3
- Auth with Rails - Part 2
- Auth with Rails - Part 1
- Display Basics with Flexbos
- Databases, ORMs and Ruby
- Dispersed - a frontend web application for users to explore National Forest system rods to find and save new or old favorite dispersed camping sites.
- Garden Guide - a native mobile application to support users in their gardens. Users can create todo lists, save and track different plants, see local weather, and more.