tgsint is a OSINT telegram bot written in python.
Install necessary dependencies via pip Install necessary dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a Telegram bot using @botfather
and get your bot token.
Change USERS "1234567890|123456789"
to your own telegram account id/s or simply remove user filter at the dispatcher if you want your bot to be accessible by everyone.
This part filters incoming messages (commands) from users with above specified IDs.
Check tgsint-scripts for data format.
/help to show available commands
- Phone number lookup.
- Name & Surname lookup.
- Lookup information on croatian car licence plates.
Check the changelog file
In some cases people have their middle name set on their profile page. Finding them works the same way as for other people , middle name is excluded in the search query.
Pull requests are welcome. If you have a suggestion open an issue with the tag "enhancement".
Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. This program is for educational purposes.