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Infusionsoft API

A promise-driven, fluent-style Node.js wrapper for the XML-RPC Infusionsoft API.

Write badass Infusionsoft apps on the server that are fully and natively asynchronous.

It's pretty dope.


Install via npm:

$ npm install infusionsoft-api

Do cool stuff:

var api = require('infusionsoft-api');

var infusionsoft = new api.DataContext('myapp', 'MY_API_KEY');

    .where(Contact.FirstName, 'Brandon')
    .like(Contact.LastName, 'V%')
    .select(Contact.Id, Contact.Email)
    .done(function(result) {

You can also use the API Services directly:

    .findByEmail('', ['Id', 'FirstName', 'LastName']);



All asynchronous methods return a Promise that represents the eventual value that will be returned.

Promises are glorious and make writing heavily asynchronous code much less awful than it would otherwise be.

See the More Examples section to see them in action.

API Scraper

This project creates interfaces and classes for the API services and tables via the grunt-infusionsoft grunt plugin. To recreate the generated files, run grunt infusionsoft.

Check out the infusionsoft directory to see the output.

More Examples

All examples use infusionsoft as an instantiated DataContext with your app name and API key. ie:

var infusionsoft = new api.DataContext('myAppName', 'MY_API_KEY');

Get monthly revenue from a particular month

    .like(Payment.PayDate, '2013-06%')
    .sum(function(x) { return x.PayAmt; })
    .done(function(total) {
        console.log('total revenue: ' + total);

Login a user and get their info

And an example of using the fail method to catch any problems.

    .authenticateUser('', 'md5-hash-of-password')
    .then(function(userId) {
        return infusionsoft.Users.where(User.Id, userId).first();
    .then(function(user) {
        console.log('Hello ' + user.FirstName + ' ' + user.LastName);
    .fail(function(err) {
        console.log('uh oh: ' + err);

Get all invoices for a specific month, grouped by product

Uses underscore.

    .like(Invoice.DateCreated, '2013-08%')
    .groupBy(function(x) { return x.ProductSold; })
    .done(function(result) {
        _(result).each(function(invoices, productId) {
            console.log(productId, invoices.length);

Same as above, but use the spread function to wait on 2 promises to get the corresponding product names. The API hits for querying both the Product table and the Invoice table will actually fire off at the same time.

Hashtag asynchronous.

var products = infusionsoft.Products.toArray();
var invoices = infusionsoft.Invoices
    .like(Invoice.DateCreated, '2013-08%')
    .groupBy(function(x) { return x.ProductSold; });

Q.spread([products, invoices], function(products, invoices) {
   _(invoices).each(function(invoices, productId)  {
        var productName = _(products)
            .find(function(x) { return x.Id == productId; })

        console.log(productName, invoices.length);

From an email address, get a contact's tags

    .where(Contact.Email, '')
    .then(function(contact) {
        return sdk.ContactGroupAssigns
            .where(ContactGroupAssign.ContactId, contact.Id)
    .then(function(cgas) {
        cgas.forEach(function(group) {
            console.log(group.ContactGroup, group.DateCreated);

Get the full Product Category Name for all subscription plans

Okay, take a deep breath. We can do (inner) joins. We fake it though... the inner part of the join has to be loaded entirely and then we do a O(n^2) iteration to make it, but we can still do it. If the inner is cheap, this isn't too bad. Especially when the SDK will handle loading, paging, waiting, etc... all for you.

Syntax (stolen from C#'s LINQ):

join (innerQueryable, outerKey, innerKey, selectorFn)

Let's do this:

var pc    = infusionsoft.ProductCategories;
var pca   = infusionsoft.ProductCategoryAssigns;
var plans = infusionsoft.SubscriptionPlans;

// Join the categories onto itself for creating the full category name
// (category parent name + category name)
var categories = pc
    .join(pc, 'ParentId', 'Id', function(pc, parent) {
        return {
            Id: pc.Id,
            Name: parent.CategoryDisplayName + ' ' + pc.CategoryDisplayName
        }; });

var subPlans = plans

    // Join the sub plan (which only has product Id) onto the PCA table to get
    // the product category ID
    .join(pca, 'ProductId', 'ProductId', function(plan, pca) {
        plan.ProductCategoryId = pca.ProductCategoryId;
        return plan;

    // Join our categories object we made above onto the projection from the
    // most recent join to get the full category name + subscription plan Id
    .join(categories, 'ProductCategoryId', 'Id', function(plan, category) {
        return { planId: plan.Id, category: category.Name }; });

subPlans.toArray().done(function(d) { console.log(d); });

What happens magically behind the scenes is pretty nice. When we call toArray() at the end, we first query the SubscriptionPlan table (aliased as plans). It then knows we need to join the ProductCategoryAssign table on there, so it fetches that (which may be more than one page). It finally gets the ProductCategory table (in its entirety), and joins them all up.

The syntax looks nasty, but that is somewhat unavoidable with a join function.


Copyright 2013 Brandon Valosek

Infusionsoft API is released under the MIT license.


A promise-driven Node.js wrapper for the XML-RPC Infusionsoft API








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