Front End Nanodegree Optional Project 5-2 'health tracker'
A Udacity Front End Nanodegree project to make a nutrition tracker. Users search for food items they've consumed, save them to a date, see at a glance total calories for the day, and generate graphs of calorie consumption for the prior week.
Load index.html in a modern browser (IE8 or later).
Use as a date picker to select an active date for saving or viewing saved food items or to use as the starting day for viewing a weekly calorie graph for the prior week.
Input field accepts partial input and searches as the user types, returning results below the input field.
Displays items the user has saved for the current active date (chosen with the calendar), showing a calorie total for the day's saved items.
Uses Google Charts to generate a graph of daily calorie consumption for the preceding week, using the active day as the start date, showing calorie totals for each of 6 days prior and the active day.
Bootstrap-datepicker enables a calendar with datepicker functionality:
Uses Nutritionix API for nutrition data search results:
AJAX loading indicator made with:
- Refactor code to be more readable, usable, modular. Use a combination of functional (for processing) and OOP (for the DOM) approaches. Break long function calls into pieces, use variables where possible, etc. -~~ Improve aesthetics, responsiveness.~~
- Add new nutrient info sources, recording them as well.
- Add new visualization options, perhaps use J3.
- Tell user what the graph uses for data.
- Indicate data is stored in browser.