A neural network classifies images of leaves as healthy or diseased!
Recently, I've been learning about Fast.ai and PyTorch in my free time and wanted to apply my knowledge. I'm trying to learn how to win Kaggle competitions, so I decided to build a model for the completed Kaggle Plant Pathology Competition.
I built this model using Nbdev, which provides an literate programming environment as originally envisioned by Donald Knuth. This means the notebooks in the nbks
folder are the library's "source code". They get converted into regular python files, a full documentation site, and contain unit and functional tests, all in one place.
pip install plant-pathology
from plant_pathology.pretrained_models import get_model
model = get_model("resnet18_2021-04-08")
prediction = model.predict_leaf("images/leaf.jpg")
{'predicted_class': 'rust',
'probabilities': {'healthy': 0.05,
'multiple_diseases': 0.04,
'rust': 0.88,
'scab': 0.03}}
❯ python -m plant_pathology.train -h
usage: train.py [-h] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LR] [--frz FRZ] [--pre PRE [PRE ...]] [--re RE] [--bs BS] [--smooth] [--arch ARCH] [--dump] [--log] [--save] [--mixup MIXUP] [--tta] [--fp16] [--do_eval] [--val_fold VAL_FOLD] [--pseudo PSEUDO] [--export]
positional arguments:
path Path to data dir
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--epochs EPOCHS Number of unfrozen epochs (default: 1)
--lr LR Initial learning rate (default: 0.0003)
--frz FRZ Number of frozen epochs (default: 1)
--pre PRE [PRE ...] Image presize (default: (682, 1024))
--re RE Image resize (default: 256)
--bs BS Batch size (default: 256)
--smooth Label smoothing? (default: False)
--arch ARCH Architecture (default: resnet18)
--dump Don't train, just print model (default: False)
--log Log w/ W&B (default: False)
--save Save model based on RocAuc (default: False)
--mixup MIXUP Mixup (0.4 is good) (default: 0.0)
--tta Test-time augmentation (default: False)
--fp16 Mixed-precision training (default: False)
--do_eval Evaluate model and save predictions CSV (default: False)
--val_fold VAL_FOLD Don't go cross-validation, just do 1 fold (or pass 9 to train on all data)
--pseudo PSEUDO Path to pseudo labels to train on
--export Export learner(s) to export_val_on_{fold}.pkl (default: False)
To run all the tests in the notebooks in parallel, just run nbdev_test_nbs
from the terminal! :)
I deployed the classifier as a simple web app using Streamlit and Heroku. Note, it may take a few minutes to start up.
The code for the app is here.