libDMET (pyscf 2.1) with unitary CCSD solvers of quantum computing chemistry.
- Please refer to libdmet_preview for the installation of libDMET.
- Please refer to, for the configuration of quantum computing chemistry solvers.
- libdmet
- pyscf 2.1 or higher
- matplotlib 3.7.1 or higher
- julia 0.5.7 or higher
- numpy 1.21
- openfermion 1.3.0
- openfermionpyscf 0.5
- fqe 0.2.0
- projectq 0.7.3
The following papers should be cited in publications utilizing the libDMET program package:
- Cui, Z.-H., Zhu, T., Chan, G. K.-L. Efficient Implementation of Ab Initio Quantum Embedding in Periodic Systems: Density Matrix Embedding Theory. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16, 119–129 (2020).
- Zhu, T., Cui, Z.-H., Chan, G. K.-L. Efficient Formulation of Ab Initio Quantum Embedding in Periodic Systems: Dynamical Mean-Field Theory. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16, 141–153 (2020).
If you use QC solvers in your research, please cite this paper:
- Changsu Cao, Jinzhao Sun, Xiao Yuan, Han-Shi Hu, Hung Q Pham, Dingshun Lv, Ab initio Quantum Simulation of Strongly Correlated Materials with Quantum Embedding. arXiv:2209.03202v2 (2023).
Specifically, if you use the quantum computing solver based on FQE (QCfqe), please also cite:
- Rubin, N. C. et al. The Fermionic Quantum Emulator. Quantum 5, 568 (2021).
If you use the quantum computing solver based on Yao (QCyao), please also cite:
- Luo, X.-Z., Liu, J.-G., Zhang, P, Wang, L. Yao.jl: Extensible, Efficient Framework for Quantum Algorithm Design. Quantum 4, 341 (2020).