Manage partner, route information, and create tour
Live demo (cantop/cantop)
* Accounting :
1. payable
2. receivable
3. report
* User permission
* tour/route/info code verification unique
* result sorting and paging
* auto fill partner list when type partner code
* calendar
mongoexport -d tour -c information | mongoimport -d tour -c partners --drop
Role :
1. Operation
2. Manager - (accounting -- payable, configuration--user management)
default password : 111111
Development Trace:
[2015-9-30] generate payables after confirm a tour
delete all payable of the tour when revise a tour.
[2015-9-23] change new/edit information with dialog modal.
[2015-8-19] add searching criteria - agency code in invoice
[2015-8-11] change invoice font size from x-small to small
[2015-8-5] change logo and favicon
[2015-7-27] support searching invoices by no.
[2015-7-17] keep original id when revise invoice.
[2015-6-24] 1.add status of invoice. by route in tour list
[2015-6-23] adjust invoice layout.
[2015-6-22] change invoice no. by sequence number.
[2015-6-9] show "gender" in name list for hotel/guide
[2015-6-2] add GST No. in invoice page.
[2015-6-1] 1. sort confirmations/invoices by no.
[2015-5-28] 1. support deleting partner and route information
2. add confimation notice before doing deleting/confirm... operations
[2015-5-27] 1. support revising confirmation/invoice and tour.
2. add required information validation before saving.
[2015-5-25] change the fare and meal commission to tourist relative instead of group.
[2015-5-23] 1. Print tour detail schedule report.
2 search tour by status
[2015-5-22] 1. support customize fare type and add extra commission.
2. add deleting operation for all list
* format text by escaping
[2015-5-19] 1. disable the limitation of phone length.
2. add "chinese name", "cell" ,"email" in partner information
3. add one status ('canceled') of tour.
[2015-5-18] 1. user information editing.
2. default 'op' with user name
3. add more fields in signup page.
4. name list for guide and hotel
[2015-5-17] 1. add notification function for tour operations
2. edit logo text.
3. add authentication support
4. add "csrf" token in the ajax header.
[2015-5-16] 1. finish all tour process.
[2015-5-15] 1. finish "confirmation" function
[2015/5/13] 1. add "feedback" and "commission" in tour db.
[2015/5/12] 1. change "plate no." to "bus no."
2. add a space in telephone numbers /postcode
3. increase the width of province input field
4. add "other" payment
5. add "room types" in passenger
6. set read-only for tour code and name during editing.
7. support adding passenger by group
[2015/5/11] 1. db.copyDatabase('records', 'archive_records')
git push master:master
2.bookingdate is the system date or input manually?
3. about contact who is from tour's op and agency's contact?
4. add "booking date" for passenger in tour.
[2015/5/8] 1. add fax field in information
2. format telephone input with '(_ _ _)_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ '
[2015/5/6] Done new/edit tour
[2015/5/5] Add payment and bus company for partner input
[2015/5/1] Finish create/query/update routes functions
[2015/4/30] Create new route with itinerary
[2015/4/29] Finish partner information maintenance functions(add/edit/query)
[2015/4/28] 1. Demo UI to client and get feedback
2. Merge all agency/hotel/restaurant/admission to one page info.
3. Add setting menu : company info, discount, tax rate
4. Add company information for confirmation and invoice
5. Enable remark in confirmation and invoice
[2015/4/27] define the <a href="#route_list">route</a> basic layout. Follow up: 1. basic layout 2.confirm operation process 3. check all data fields 4. logo 5. tour status
[2015/4/26] create pages for tour generation(basic info, itinerary info, passengers, buses...)
[2015/4/25] create a sample page for <a href="#voucher_info">voucher</a> and <a href="#invoice_info">invoice</a>(this two pages are copied from existed sample, so need to change base on real requirement)
[2015/4/24] create basic information UI
[2015/4/23] initialize project : environment setup
[2015/4/22]draft design documents