These are the random dot or settings files I use on *nix based devices. Some might be OS specific, or only when I decide to use specific programs (bash/zsh).
Clone this to ~/dev/dotfiles
, install zsh/oh-my-zsh, and then run the
- Clone this to ~/dev/dotfiles
- symlink it to ~/.mydotfiles
pacman -S vim neovim tmux git go cmake base-devel docker docker-compose docker-scan kitty
- Docker
- Terraform
- Dagger
- Kind (Local Kubernetes)
- Download zsh
- Download oh-my-zsh
- Start zsh at least once (oh-my-zsh should do this for you)
- Update ~/.zshrc to look something like this:
# Path to my oh-my-zsh installation.
export ZSH=/home/bzvestey/.oh-my-zsh
# Path to my .zshrc file
source ~/.mydotfiles/zsh/zshrc-linux.zsh
- will turn on UFW rules for forcing everything through the VPN
- will set sane defaults that do not require the firewall
- resolv.conf is a couple of sane DNS servers if you are worried about DNS leaks