Authors: Fabrice Bellard and Charlie Gordon
Ported from and its official GitHub mirror
By Andrew Fedoniouk (a.k.a. c-smile)
This version is
- Microsoft Visual C++ compatible/compileable
- Is used in Sciter.JS
- It contains extras:
- JSX - built-in facebook::JSX support with Sciter specific extras.
- Built-in Persistence - you can think of it as local MongoDB (NoSQL) DB embedded into the language. Pretty small, adds just 70kb into binary. Persistence is based on DyBASE of Konstantin Knizhnik
The main documentation is in doc/quickjs.pdf or doc/quickjs.html.
Prerequisite: premake5 - download and install it.
Then go to /win folder and run premake-vs2017.bat or premake-vs2019.bat .
It will generate .build/vs2017/quickjs-msvc.sln and open it in Microsoft Visual Studio.
Press F5 to compile it and run qjs - interactive JS command line application.
Supported premake options:
- include JSX support;--storage
- include Persistent Storage support;
Supported targets (these are built into Premake itself):
- vs2017 - MS Visual Studio 2017
- vs2019 - MS Visual Studio 2019
- gmake2 - gmake files
- etc...
Few examples of other possible configurations:
premake5 vs2019 --jsx --storage
premake5 codeblocks --cc=gcc --jsx --storage
premake5 gmake2 --cc=gcc --jsx --storage
premake5 gmake2 --cc=clang --jsx --storage
premake5 gmake2 --cc=clang --jsx --storage
premake5 xcode4 --jsx --storage