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At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. String
  2. 2. multiple lines
  3. 3. Empty string
  4. 4. character as string
  5. 5. Concatenation
  6. 6. operator +=
  7. 7. Interpolation
  8. 8. Entire expression into parenthesis
  9. 9. Equality
  10. 10. lowercased() method
  11. 11. hasPrefix(:) and hasSuffix(:) methods
  12. 12. contains(_:) method
  13. 13. count property
  14. 14. Using switch statement to pattern-match multiple values of strings or characters
  15. 15. More Advance String topics
  16. 16. Iterate over each character of a String instance
  17. 17. UNICODE
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Defining a Function
  2. 2. Parameters
  3. 3. Argument Labels
  4. 4. Default Parameter Values
  5. 5. Return Values
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Structure definition
  2. 2. Instances
  3. 3. Initializer
  4. 4. Default Values
  5. 5. Memberwise initializers
  6. 6. Custom Initializers
  7. 7. Instance Methods
  8. 8. Mutating Methods
  9. 9. Computed Properties
  10. 10. Property Observers
  11. 11. Type Properties and Methods
  12. 12. Copying
  13. 13. self
  14. 14. Variable properties
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Classes Definition
  2. 2. Inheritance
  3. 3. Defining a Base Class
  4. 4. Create a subclass
  5. 5. Override Methods and Properties
  6. 6. Override Initializer
  7. 7. References
  8. 8. Memberwise Initializers
  9. 9. Class or Structure
  10. 10. Working with Frameworks that use Classes
  11. 11. Stable Identity
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Arrays
  2. 2. Array Types
  3. 3. Working with Arrays
  4. 4. Dictionaries
  5. 5. Add / Remove / Modify a dictionary
  6. 6. Accessing a Dictionary
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. The Array
  2. 2. Accessing the Array
  3. 3. Modifying the Array
  4. 4. The Set
  5. 5. Accesing and Modifying the Set
  6. 6. Set Operations
  7. 7. The Hashable Protocol
  8. 8. The Dictionary
  9. 9. Creating Dictionaries
  10. 10. Heterogeneous Dictionaries
  11. 11. Accesing & Modifying the contents of a Dictionary
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. For Loops
  2. 2. While Loops
  3. 3. Control Transfer Statement
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Common System Views
  2. 2. Label
  3. 3. Image View
  4. 4. Text View
  5. 5. Scroll View
  6. 6. Table View
  7. 7. Toolbars
  8. 8. Navigation Bars
  9. 9. Tab Bars
  10. 10. Controls
  11. 11. Buttons
  12. 12. Segmented Controls
  13. 13. Text Fields
  14. 14. Sliders
  15. 15. Switches
  16. 16. Date Pickers
  17. 17. View Controllers
  18. 18. Lab - UIKit Survey
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Planning the App
  2. 2. Create the Project
  3. 3. Enter your information
  4. 4. Address Layout Issues
  5. 5. Lab - Tutorial Screen
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Buttons
  2. 2. Switches
  3. 3. Sliders
  4. 4. Text Fields
  5. 5. Actions and Outlets
  6. 6. Gesture Recognizers
  7. 7. Programmatic Actions
  8. 8. Lab - Basic Interactions
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Why Autolayout
  2. 2. Create Alignment Constraints
  3. 3. Create size constraints
  4. 4. Constraints Relative to the Screen
  5. 5. Safe Area Layout Guide
  6. 6. Resolve Constraints Issues
  7. 7. Resolve Constraints Warnings
  8. 8. Constraints Between Siblings
  9. 9. Stack Views
  10. 10. Stack Views Attributes
  11. 11. Size Classes
  12. 12. Vary Traits
  13. 13. Installed
  14. 14. Debug View Hierarchy
  15. 15. Lab calculator

Simple User Interface calculator that maintains its layout on all device sizes.

Notes Notes Notes xcodeproj
  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3
  4. Step 4
  5. Step 5
  6. Step 6
  7. Step 7
  8. Step 8
  9. Step 9
  10. Step 10
  11. Step 11
  12. Step 12
  13. Step 13

Word guessing game.

Notes Code Diagrams xcodeproj
  1. 1. Build the Interface
  2. 2. Layout in Storyboard
  3. 3. Create Outlets and Actions
  4. 4. Beginning a Game
  5. 5. Define Words and Turns
  6. 6. Define Number of Winds and Losses
  7. 7. Begin first round
  8. 8. Update Game State
  9. 9. Extract Button Title
  10. 10. Guess Letter
  11. 11. Create Revealed Word
  12. 12. Handle a Win Or Loss
  13. 13. Re-enable Buttons and Fix Crash
  14. 14. Wrapup
  15. 15. Streth Goals


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