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A set of tools to authenticaticate through LDAP and AD LDS backend


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Kubi is the missing tool for Active Directory or LDAP driven company. It handles OpenLDAP or Active Directory LDS authentication for Kubernetes clusters. It acts as a Kubernetes Token Server, authenticating user through LDAP, AD LDS and assigns permissions dynamically using a predefined naming convention (LDAP Group).

Kubi is a webhook for the server part and has a cli for linux and windows users.



Namespaces and Rolebindings are automatically created and managed by Kubi. Kubi parse the LDAP group and find the namespace and the role. The first part (from the right) is the role, and the second is the namespace.

The _ is used to split Role and Namespace, the pattern is <whatever>_<namespace>_<role>. Namespace must be DNS1123 compatible and can´t exceed 63 characters ( kubernetes constraint ).

For example:

  • a ldap group named: WHATYOUWANT_DEMO_ADMIN give cluster role binding admin permissions to the namespace DEMO.
  • a ldap group named: WHATYOUWANT_PROJECT-IN-PRODUCTION_ADMIN give cluster role binding admin permissions to the namespace PROJECT-IN-PRODUCTION.

If the namespace is missing, it will be automatically created at startup. You can refresh it by calling /refresh. Some namespace are protected: kube-system, kube-public, default. Kubi can generate NetworkPolicy if PROVISIONING_NETWORK_POLICIES flag is enabled. In this case, it create a Networpolicy that create something like a bubble.

The network policy works like this principle:

  • Every pods can communicate inside the namespace
  • Pods cannot communicate with external resources ( outside cluster )
  • Dns is not filtered

You can customize PROVISIONING_EGRESS_ALLOWED_PORTS, PROVISIONING_EGRESS_ALLOWED_CIDR, PROVISIONING_INGRESS_ALLOWED_NAMESPACES to add default rules. For specific exceptions, add another network policy.


Name Description Example Mandatory Default
PUBLIC_APISERVER_URL Api server url (public) yes -
LDAP_USERBASE BaseDn for user base search ou=People,dc=example,dc=org yes -
LDAP_GROUPBASE BaseDn for group base search ou=CONTAINER,dc=example,dc=org yes -
LDAP_APP_GROUPBASE BaseDn for group base search ou=CONTAINER,dc=example,dc=org no -
LDAP_OPS_GROUPBASE BaseDn for group base search ou=CONTAINER,dc=example,dc=org no -
LDAP_CUSTOMER_OPS_GROUPBASE *BaseDn for customer group base * ou=CONTAINER,dc=example,dc=org no -
LDAP_ADMIN_USERBASE BaseDn for admin base search ou=Admin,dc=example,dc=org yes -
LDAP_ADMIN_GROUPBASE BaseDn for admin group base search ou=AdminGroup,dc=example,dc=org yes -
LDAP_VIEWER_GROUPBASE BaseDn for viewer group base search ou=ViewerGroup,dc=example,dc=org no -
LDAP_SERVICE_GROUPBASE BaseDn for service group base search ou=ServiceGroup,dc=example,dc=org no -
LDAP_SERVER LDAP server ip address "" yes -
LDAP_PORT LDAP server port 389, 636... 389 no 389
LDAP_PAGE_SIZE LDAP page size, 1000... 1000 no 1000
LDAP_USE_SSL Use SSL or no true no false
LDAP_START_TLS Use StartTLS ( use with 389 port) true false false
LDAP_SKIP_TLS_VERIFICATION Skip TLS verification true false true
LDAP_BINDDN LDAP bind account DN "CN=admin,DC=example,DC=ORG" yes -
LDAP_PASSWD LDAP bind account password "password" yes -
LDAP_USERFILTER LDAP filter for user search "(userPrincipalName=%s)" no (cn=%s)
TOKEN_LIFETIME Duration for the JWT token "4h" no 4h
LOCATOR Locator: must be internet or extranet "intranet" no intranet
PROVISIONING_NETWORK_POLICIES Enable or disable NetPol Mgmt true no yes
CUSTOM_LABELS Add custom labels to namespaces quota=managed,monitoring=true no -
DEFAULT_PERMISSION ClusterRole associated with default service account view no -
BLACKLIST Ignore Project my-project-dev no -
PODSECURITYADMISSION_ENFORCEMENT PodSecurityAdmission Enforcement restricted no restricted
PODSECURITYADMISSION_WARNING PodSecurityAdmission Warning restricted no restricted
PODSECURITYADMISSION_AUDIT PodSecurityAdmission Audit restricted no restricted
PRIVILEGED_NAMESPACES Namespaces allowed to use privileged annotation native-development no -


Since version v1.24.0, we have decided to modify the naming of versions for ease of reading and understanding. Example: v1.24.0 means that the operator was developed for Kubernetes version 1.24 and that the last 0 corresponds to the various patches we have made to the operator.


For Windows users

  1. Download the cli: download here
  2. Open Cmd
# Get help
.\kubi.exe --help
# Connect and generate config file
.\kubi.exe --kubi-url <kubi-server-fqdn-or-ip>:30003 --generate-config --username <user_cn>
# Connect with your password and generate config file
.\kubi.exe --kubi-url <kubi-server-fqdn-or-ip>:30003 --generate-config --username <user_cn> --password your_pwd

For Linux

With kubi cli

For Linux

# Install the kubi cli
sudo wget -P /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/kubi

# Connect to the cluster
kubi config --kubi-url <kubi-server-fqdn-or-ip>:30003 --username <user_cn>
# Connect with your password and generate config file
kubi config --kubi-url <kubi-server-fqdn-or-ip>:30003 --username <user_cn> --password your_pwd

For Mac

# Install wget with brew
brew install wget

# Install the kubi cli
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/kubi
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/kubi


# Connect to the cluster
kubi config --kubi-url <kubi-server-fqdn-or-ip>:30003 --username <user_cn>
# Connect with your password and generate config file
kubi config --kubi-url <kubi-server-fqdn-or-ip>:30003 --username <user_cn> --password your_pwd

# Explain your token
kubi explain # for your current context token
kubi explain <another_token> for explaining another token

With curl

  curl -v -k --user <user_cn> https://<kubi-server-fqdn-or-ip>:30003/config

It is not recommended to use curl, because it is used with -k parameter ( insecure mode).



Create a crt signed by Kubernetes CA

Change kubi.devops.managed.kvm to an existing kubernetes node ip, vip, or fqdn that point to an existing Kubernetes Cluster node. Eg:, kubernetes.<my_domain>...

cat <<EOF | cfssl genkey - | cfssljson -bare server
  "hosts": [
  "CN": "kubi-svc.kube-system.svc.cluster.local",
  "key": {
    "algo": "ecdsa",
    "size": 256

Create the signing request

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: CertificateSigningRequest
  name: kubi-svc.kube-system
  - system:authenticated
  request: $(cat server.csr | base64 | tr -d '\n')
  - digital signature
  - key encipherment
  - server auth

Approve the csr

kubectl certificate approve kubi-svc.kube-system

Retrieve the crt

kubectl get csr kubi-svc.kube-system -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}'     | base64 --decode > server.crt

Create a secret for the deployment

kubectl -n kube-system create secret tls kubi --key server-key.pem --cert server.crt

Create a secret for LDAP Bind password

kubectl -n kube-system create secret generic kubi-secret \
  --from-literal ldap_passwd='changethispasswordnow!'

Deploy the config map


cat <<EOF | kubectl -n kube-system create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  LDAP_USERBASE: "ou=People,dc=kubi,dc=fr"
  LDAP_GROUPBASE: "ou=local_platform,ou=Groups,dc=kubi,dc=fr"
  LDAP_PORT: "389"
  LDAP_BINDDN: "cn=admin,dc=kubi,dc=fr"
  LDAP_ADMIN_USERBASE: "ou=People,dc=kubi,dc=fr"
  LDAP_ADMIN_GROUPBASE: "ou=Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=kubi,dc=fr"
  PUBLIC_APISERVER_URL: https://api.devops.managed.kvm
  name: kubi-config

Deploy the Custom Resource Definitions

kubectl apply -f

Deploy the prerequisites

kubectl apply -f

Deploy Kubi

kubectl apply -f

Customize the default network policy

You can customize the default network policy named kubi-default, for example:

apiVersion: ""
kind: NetworkPolicyConfig
  name: kubi-default
    # ports allowed for egress
      - 636
      - 389
      - 123
      - 53
    # cidrs allowed for egress
    # for ipvs, add the network used by calico, for kubernetes svc in default ns
    # namespaces allowed for ingress rules ( here only nginx )
      - ingress-nginx

** Deploy the example : **

kubectl apply -f

Basic Webhook configuration

Kubi is installed as a Kubernetes webhook.

For more information about webhook:

  1. On each master node in /etc/kubernetes/pki/webhook
# Kubernetes API version
apiVersion: v1
# kind of the API object
kind: Config
# clusters refers to the remote service.
  - name: kubi
      certificate-authority: /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
      server: https://kube-svc:8001/authenticate   
  - name: apiserver
      client-certificate: /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt
      client-key: /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.key
current-context: kubi
- context:
    cluster:  kubi
    user: apiserver
  name: webhook
# vim /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
- --authentication-token-webhook-config-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/webhook.yml

Api servers reboot automatically, check logs kubectl logs -f kube-apiserver-master-01 -n kube-system.

Advanced Webhook configuration

You could change apiserver mount and create an aditionnal folder. Here we use /etc/kubernetes/pki which is automatically mounted.

  1. Add these params to kubeadm config in ClusterConfiguration:
# Before, create the additionnals folder in all master nodes
mkdir /etc/kubernetes/additionnals
  1. And edit your kubeadm-config.yml file with the following values:
  authentication-token-webhook-config-file: /etc/kubernetes/additionnals/webhook.yml
  - name: additionnals
    hostPath: /etc/kubernetes/additionnals
    mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/additionnals
  1. Copy the webhook file to /etc/kubernetes/additionnals folder.


The following features should be available soon.

  • Allow usage of static mapping ( a json file mapping with LDAP group and Kubernetes namespaces)
  • Expose /metrics

Development environment

You can easily contribute to this project by using a development environment, follow the installation step from Installation until the Deploy the prerequisites.

Deploy the local config

kubectl apply -f

Copy the secret from you Kubernetes cluster

Create secret dirs on your local machine

mkdir -p /var/run/secrets/{certs,ecdsa,}

The mapping between the secret:key and file path

Secret Name Secret Key Local Path
kubi-user- ca.crt /var/run/secrets/
kubi-user- token /var/run/secrets/
kubi tls.crt /var/run/secrets/certs/tls.crt
kubi tls.key /var/run/secrets/certs/tls.key
kubi-encryption-secret ecdsa-key.pem /var/run/secrets/ecdsa/ecdsa-key.pem
kubi-encryption-secret ecdsa-public.pem /var/run/secrets/ecdsa/ecdsa-public.pem

You can execute the following commands to gather all the required secrets then decode and save them

kubectl -n kube-system get secrets $(kubectl -n kube-system get sa kubi-user -o "jsonpath={.secrets[0].name}") -o "jsonpath={.data['ca\.crt']}" | base64 -d > /var/run/secrets/
kubectl -n kube-system get secrets $(kubectl -n kube-system get sa kubi-user -o "jsonpath={.secrets[0].name}") -o "jsonpath={.data['token']}" | base64 -d > /var/run/secrets/
kubectl -n kube-system get secrets kubi -o "jsonpath={.data['tls\.crt']}" | base64 -d > /var/run/secrets/certs/tls.crt
kubectl -n kube-system get secrets kubi -o "jsonpath={.data['tls\.key']}" | base64 -d > /var/run/secrets/certs/tls.key
kubectl -n kube-system get secrets kubi-encryption-secret -o "jsonpath={.data['ecdsa-key\.pem']}" | base64 -d > /var/run/secrets/ecdsa/ecdsa-key.pem
kubectl -n kube-system get secrets kubi-encryption-secret -o "jsonpath={.data['ecdsa-public\.pem']}" | base64 -d > /var/run/secrets/ecdsa/ecdsa-public.pem


At the base of this project execute the go run with the required variable

LDAP_ADMIN_GROUPBASE="cn=DL_ADMIN_TEAM,OU=GLOBAL,ou=Groups,dc=kubi,dc=ca-gip,dc=github,dc=com" \
LDAP_ADMIN_USERBASE="dc=kubi,dc=ca-gip,dc=github,dc=com"  \
LDAP_BINDDN="cn=admin,dc=kubi,dc=ca-gip,dc=github,dc=com"   \
LDAP_GROUPBASE="ou=LOCAL,ou=Groups,dc=kubi,dc=ca-gip,dc=github,dc=com"  \
LDAP_PORT="389"   \
LDAP_SERVER="kube-ldap.kube-system.svc.cluster.local"  \
LDAP_USE_SSL="false"   \
LDAP_USERBASE="ou=People,dc=kubi,dc=ca-gip,dc=github,dc=com"   \
LDAP_USERFILTER="(cn=%s)"   \
LOCATOR="local"   \
PUBLIC_APISERVER_URL="https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"  \
TENANT="cagip" \
KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST="kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" \
LDAP_PASSWD="password" \
go run cmd/main.go

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