The goal of this project is to allow Crab users to write small tests to interact with Crab analyses and abstract domains eliminating the need for writing C++ boilerplate code to use Crab APIs.
1. mkdir build && cd build
3. cmake --build . --target install
is the path where source code of Crab is
# This is a comment.
# Newlines are used to delimit a new instruction, new block or new cfg.
# A cfg must have a name as a string (do not forget double quotes).
# Blocks are denoted as a string name followed by ":".
# The entry block of a cfg must be called "start"
# About types
# The language is strongly typed so there is NOT type inference. This means
# that all instructions must have enough type information so that the parser
# can know the type of all variables. For instance, left-hand side of
# assignments must be typed, and constraints that appear in conditionals, assume,
# and assert must be also typed.
x:i32 := 0 # x is an integer of 32 bits
goto loop
x:i32 := x + 1
if (x <= 9):i32 goto loop else goto out
EXPECT_EQ(true, assert(x == 10):i32)
$INSTALL_DIR/bin/crabber samples/test-1.crabir
$INSTALL_DIR/bin/crabber --help
to see all options. For instance, option --print-invariants-to-dot
prints both the CFG and the inferred invariants to dot format.
// include/crab_tests/crabber.hpp
TestResult run_program(std::istream &is,
const CrabIrBuilderOpts &irOpts,
const CrabIrAnalyzerOpts &anaOpts);