A web app for merging images in one of two ways:
Keeping only the pixels they have in common, as explained in this Luminous Landscape article.
That page also has some demo image sets you can download, but I recommend resizing them down to something web-appropriate (e.g. 1000 pixels across) first, as loading ten 24 megapixel images into a browser is rather slow. It does work though, eventually.
Using the pixels with the highest contrast, also known as focus stacking.
Live application running at http://stackmerge.andyf.me/
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/caerphoto/stackmerge.git
Install dependencies:
cd stackmerge npm install
Start the server:
npm start
Open http://localhost:8377/ in your browser.
The app comes with a Gruntfile that will concatenate and minify the JavaScript, and save it to a timestamp-named file which the application detects on startup in production mode.
Just run grunt
in the project directory; the default task will do the
necessary. After that you can run npm start --production
, and the app will
only listen for connections on localhost:8377
(as opposed to
dev mode).
For now the app just blindly stacks images on top of each other using the first image's size as the base. If the images aren't perfectly aligned, the result will look slightly mushy or have weird edge artifacts.
I'd like to add some kind of alignment control or algorithm to alleviate this, but it's... non-trivial.