Frullatore is a PHP build system that staticize all files in pure HTML with i18n support.
- PHP 7.0
- LESS to compile CSS files
- RequireJS to write CommonJS modules
- ImageMagick to convert and optimize images file
Clone this repository. Change your project name in the following files: package.json, config.php.
Then run:
Every time you edit the following directories: app/assets and app/backgrounds, you have to call the npm run assets
All JS files will be compiled, browserified and uglified.
All LESS fill will be compiled, CSS optimized and Gzipped.
Just call
npm run dev
It will watch your JS, PHP and LESS files and compile in real time.
It will also spawn a PHP web server to handle requests.
npm run stage
npm run prod
You have to define your deploy strategy in bin/
My advice is to just upload the entire build
directory into S3 using the aws