It's tinder for the modern millennial hopelessly looking for their dream pet! If you spend hours looking at cat and dog videos online, look no further, WAG is for you! Our team wanted to help pets get adopted. We support no kill shelters and people and pets finding love! Every pet deserves its person!
* npm install
- This installs all required packages from the package.json
* run schema.sql and seed.sql
- Before running 'node server.js', create the database through the provided schema.sql and seed.sql files
* node server.js
- Running this command opens the server and allows the site to begin operating
* Petfinder.js
* Node.js
* Express
* Express Handlebars
* Sequelize
* Anime.js
* Express-Session
* @petfinder/petfinder-js
* animejs
* dotenv
* express
* express-handlebars
* express-session
* lodash-es
* lodash-move
* mysql2
* node
* petfinderAPI4everybody
* react
* react-dom
* react-scripts
* react-spring
* react-with-gesture
* sequelize
* styled-components
* swipe-listener
* vec-la
Login or create an account. Search for a pet type to adopt Supported pets include: Dogs, Cat Search an area code and distance Swipe right to save a pet Swipe left to move on to the next pet Select your account to view saved pets
* Caitlan Jeffrey
* Kevin Adamski
* Liam Heckman
* Loren Kolstad
Thanks to our Professors Marcelo and Alec, all of the TA's (Austin, Leah, Hoff and Justin) and our Tutors for helping us complete the project!