GO Wrappers for some of the GCP API's we use
- pgdb
- CloudSQL Postgresql
- built around github.com/jackc/pgx
- email
- uses SendGrid Email service
- built around github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-go
- secrets
- uses GCP Secrets Manager
- built around cloud.google.com/go/secretmanager/apiv1
- storage
- uses GCP Storage
- built around cloud.google.com/go/storage
- util
- general purpose routines (not specific to GCP)
The unit tests expect to obtain this information from a 'secrets' plain text file. The path to this file needs to be specified in an environment variable with the key "utilities_config" The format of the secrets data is a JSON structure and the unit tests require the following entries to execute successfully
"ConfigName": "utilities",
"Records": [
"Value": "user=xxx password=xxxx host=xx.xx.xx.xx port=xxxx dbname=xxxx sslmode=require"
"Value": "~\xxxkey.pem"
"Value": "~\xxxcert.pem"
"Key": "FROM_USER",
"Value": ""
"Value": "xxxxxxx"
"Key": "FROM_EMAIL",
"Value": "no-reply@xxxxx.com"
"Value": "xxxxx@gmail.com"
"Value": "xxxxxx.appspot.com"
"Value": "~\xxxxx_cred.json"
email, pgdb, storage & util are not dependent on the secrets utility, except for the execution of unit tests (see above).
To use the secrets utility, you may
- Call InitializeFromEnvironment, passing in the name of an environment variable that will resolve to the path of the secrets file or
- Call Initialize, passing in the path of the secrets file. The path may refer to a local file or to a GCP Secrets identifier (to which you must already have access).