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Celda Development Coding Style Guide

Zhe Wang edited this page May 24, 2019 · 3 revisions

Coding Style Guide

Following a particular programming style will help programmers read and understand source code conforming to the style, and help to avoid introducing errors (Programming style, Wikipedia).


Below is a list of guidelines on what is considered a good practice when writing R codes in celda pacakge. Most of them are adapted from Bioconductor - coding style or Google's R Style Guide. These guidelines are preferences and strongly encouraged!

  • Indentation
    • Use 4 spaces for indenting. No tabs.
    • No lines longer than 80 characters. This includes function documentations, examples, and vignette code chunks.
  • Assignment
    • Use <- not = for assignment.
  • Variable names
    • Use camelCase.
  • Function names
    • Use camelCase.
    • Do not use "." (in the S3 class system, some(x) where x is class A will dispatch to some.A).
    • Prefix non-exported functions with a ".".
  • Class names
    • Use camelCase.
  • File names
    • Use camelCase for regular ".R" file containing function definitions, e.g., celdaFunctions.R.
    • Filename extension for R code should be ".R". Use the prefix "methods-" for S4 class methods, e.g., methods-celdaS4.R. Generic definitions can be listed in a single file, AllGenerics.R, and class definitions in AllClasses.R.
  • Use of space
    • Do not place a space before a comma, but always place one after a comma. This: a, b, c.
    • Always use space around “=” when using named arguments to functions. This: somefunc(a = 1, b = 2).
    • Place spaces around all binary operators +, -, *, /, ==, |, &, etc.
      • GOOD:
        tab.prior <- table(df[df$days.from.opt < 0, ""])
        total <- sum(x[, 1])
        total <- sum(x[1, ])
      • BAD:
        tab.prior <- table(df[df$days.from.opt<0, ""])  # needs spaces around '<'
        tab.prior <- table(df[df$days.from.opt < 0,""])  # needs a space after the comma
        tab.prior<- table(df[df$days.from.opt < 0, ""])  # needs a space before <-
        tab.prior<-table(df[df$days.from.opt < 0, ""])  # needs spaces around <-
        total <- sum(x[,1])  # Needs a space after the comma
        total <- sum(x[ ,1])  # Needs a space after the comma, not before
    • Place a space before left parenthesis, except in a function call.
      • GOOD:
        if (debug)
      • BAD:
        if(debug) # needs a space before left parenthesis
        return (vector) # superfluous space before left parenthesis
    • Do not place spaces around code in parentheses or square brackets.
      • GOOD:
        if (debug)
      • BAD:
        if ( debug )  # No spaces around debug
    • Do not place spaces at the end of line
      • GOOD:
        # no space after 2
        a <- 1 + 2
      • BAD:
        # superfluous spaces after 2
        a <- 1 + 2   
  • Curly Braces
    • An opening curly brace should never go on its own line; a closing curly brace should always go on its own line. Avoid omitting curly braces when a block consists of a single statement.
      • GOOD:
        if (is.null(ylim)) {
            ylim <- c(0, 0.06)
        Always begin the body of a block on a new line.
      • BAD:
        if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, 0.06) 
        if (is.null(ylim)) {ylim <- c(0, 0.06)}
    • Surround else with braces. An else statement should always be surrounded on the same line by curly braces.
      • GOOD:
        if (condition) {
            one or more lines
        } else {
            one or more lines
      • BAD:
        if (condition) {
            one or more lines
        else {
            one or more lines
      • BAD:
        if (condition)
            one line
            one line
  • Comments
    • Entire commented lines should begin with # and one space. # some comment
    • Indent at the same level as surrounding code. For example:
      f1 <- function(a, b) {
          # indent comment at the same level as surrounding code!
          return(a + b)
  • Namespaces
    • Import all symbols used from packages other than “base”. Except for default packages (base, graphics, stats, etc.) or when overly tedious, fully enumerate imports.
    • Export all symbols useful to end users. Fully enumerate exports.
  • End-User messages
    • message() communicates diagnostic messages (e.g., progress during lengthy computations) during code evaluation.
    • warning() communicates unusual situations handled by your code.
    • stop() indicates an error condition.
    • cat() or print() are used only when displaying an object to the user, e.g., in a show method or print(


To be added.