Bitwise operations are operations that directly manipulate bits. Notes and code examples from Codecaemy course Learn Python 2.
The purpose of the project is just personal learning. I may revisit this code to find different solutions or to apply it under other context.
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Awesome feature 1
- Awesome feature 2
- Awesome feature 3
2 ** 0 = 1
2 ** 1 = 2
2 ** 2 = 4
2 ** 3 = 8
2 ** 4 = 16
2 ** 5 = 32
2 ** 6 = 64
2 ** 7 = 128
2 ** 8 = 256
2 ** 9 = 512
2 ** 10 = 1024
- Wow improvement to be done 1
- Wow improvement to be done 2
- Python 2
NA - It's only coding examples, there's no setup.
Project is: in progress - kept for personal reference.
Based on Codecademy's Learn Python 2 course INTRODUCTION TO BITWISE OPERATORS