This charm is used to configure an ldap client charm to use an external ldap service.
In this section we are going to deploy the glauth operator and use the ldap integrator to connect it to an existing LDAP server.
You will need:
- A juju deployment
- An existing LDAP server of your choice and you will need a bind_dn + password for glauth to use
First you will need to deploy the charms:
juju deploy glauth-k8s --channel edge --trust
juju deploy ldap-integrator --channel edge --trust
juju deploy self-signed-certificates --channel stable --trust
Now that we have deployed our charms, we will need to configure ldap-integrator.
First we need to create a juju secret with the bind password:
juju add-secret my-secret password=<bind_password>
Now we need to grant access to the secret to the ldap-integrator:
juju grant-secret my-secret ldap-integrator
Then you will have to configure the ldap-integrator, eg:
juju config ldap-integrator urls=ldap://path/to/somewhere base_dn=dc=glauth,dc=com bind_dn=cn=user,ou=group,dc=glauth,dc=com bind_password=my-secret
Now you can integrate glauth with ldap-integrator:
juju integrate glauth-k8s ldap-integrator
Now glauth will be proxying all ldap requests to your ldap server.
See the Juju SDK documentation for more information about developing and improving charms.