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Another starter for Nest as a monorepo!

What it includes?

  • Lerna!
  • yarn workspaces configured
  • Well-defined folder structure
  • Husky! pre-push hook to force lint fixes
  • GraphQL (@nestjs/graphql graphql-tools graphql apollo-server-express tools)
  • MongoDB support (mongoose @typegoose/typegoose dev:@types/mongoose)
  • nestjs-typegoose module (@nestjs-typegoose)
  • Joi validator (@hapi/joi dev:@types/hapi__joi)
  • Metadata Reflection API (reflect-metadata)
  • Configuration from NestJS using dotenv (@nestjs/config)
  • Winston logging (nest-winston winston)
  • Passport (@nestjs/passport passport passport-local dev:@types/passport-local)
  • JWT Authentication (@nestjs/jwt passport-jwt dev:@types/passport-jwt)
  • Class Transformer and Class Validator (class-transformer class-validator)
  • Feature ready "mongoose" module see Features section for details
  • Feature ready "users" module see Features section for details
  • Feature ready "auth" module see Features section for details
  • custom "api" module see Features section for details


  • Environment variable validations
    • NODE_ENV: Joi.string() .valid('development', 'production', 'test', 'provision') .default('development')
    • PORT: Joi.number().default(3000)
  • Fully configured winston logger
  • Well configured "mongoose" module
    • BaseSchema class
      • _id, createdAt, updatedAt
      • hooks to automatically validate on insert and update
  • Well configured "auth" module
    • passport integration
    • passport-local and passport-jwt strategy
    • JwtAuthGuard and LocalAuthGuard
    • import PassportModule with register method call for default strategy
    • auth/login endpoint with email and password fields
    • bcrypt password hashing
  • Well configured "users" module
    • Basic user entity
    • ... todo
  • "api" module
    • Data property wrapper middleware for json responses
  • module-aliases to modules, ts-config/path configured
    • dont forget to add your module into _moduleAliases in package.json
  • Full support for GraphQL
    • login, registration, auth guards, etc... are already set

Folder structure

+-- scripts // development scripts
+-- apps // application packages
|   +-- <app> // typical nestjs app folder structure
|   |   +-- src // application sources
|   |   +-- dist // application compiled sources
+-- libs // library packages
|   +-- <lib>
|   |   +-- src // lib sources
|   |   +-- src // lib compiled sources
+-- modules // nest module packages
|   +-- <module> // typical nestjs module folder structure
|   |   +-- src // module sources
|   |   |   +-- exceptions // exception classes
|   |   |   +-- helpers // helper methods, etc.
|   |   |   +-- interceptors // nestjs interceptor classes
|   |   |   +-- middlewares // express middlewares
|   |   |   +-- filters // nestjs filter classes
|   |   |   +-- dtos // dto classes
|   |   |   +-- schemas // mongoose schema classes using typegoose
|   |   |   +-- services // nestjs module services
|   |   |   +-- controllers // nestjs module controllers
|   |   |   +-- resolvers // nestjs module graphql resolvers
|   |   +-- dist // module compiled sources

Some tips for your packages

You can use to make distribution folder available as just like published package

We have setup everything for you, a postinstall script takes care of linking process in the root package.json

Known-issues about packages

Unfortunately, packages under modules/* might depend on each other
build:modules script should have correct order to build successfully
Actually, currently we don't have circular dependency in modules

packages under libs/* doesn't depend each other, keep it that way

And, of course, packages under apps/* must not depend each other. They should depend on libs and modules


How to inject logger?

You need to use WinstonModule, WinstonModule is a global module, you don't need to import it, though, I like importing, then you can use DI with Logger class from @nestjs/common

import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';

export class SomeService {
    private readonly logger: Logger,
  ) {

How to override UserProfileSchema

Create a new schema with exact name UserProfileSchema

import { getUserProfileSchemaClass } from '@nnest/users/schemas/user-profile.schema';
import { mongoose, prop } from '@typegoose/typegoose';

const BaseUserProfileSchema = getUserProfileSchemaClass<any>();
export class UserProfileSchema extends BaseUserProfileSchema {
    ref: 'UserSchema',
    required: true,
  user!: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;

    required: true
  country!: string;

    required: true
  province!: string;

    required: true
  city!: string;

    required: true
  profile_addition!: string;

As you can see we do not import UserSchema here to avoid circular dependency
Therefore, we don't use Ref class, user property type is ObjectId

And top of your bootstrapping code, before any usage of getUserProfileSchema method
(usually in your main.ts of the app)

import '@nnest/patches/class-transformer.patch';

import { UserProfileSchema } from './user-profile.schema';
import { setUserProfileSchemaClass } from '@nnest/users/schemas/user-profile.schema';
// Set the new user profile schema for the app
// Always set it on top of the main file, or in a file before any bootstrapping
// Some decorators would call getUserProfileSchemaClass before you, so you might not catch the correct hierarchy

These codes added on second line of main.ts

When you want to create user profile record, use UserProfileService's createUserProfile method

class SomeService {
  constructor(private readonly userProfileService: UserProfileService) {}

  async someMethod(user: DocumentType<UserSchema>) {
    return this.userProfileService.createUserProfile<SomeInterfaceToTypeHintMyOverrideSchema>({
    }, user);

Note that you might want to use an Interface to get a correct typehinting like in the example pseudo code

How to design my services?

For database CRUD operations

Be sure to always return DocumentType on you crud methods

For other logical methods in services

You can create specific dtos for that job to create some contract to cover your entire operation

How to use class-transformer? is there any quirks?


We have a patch for class-transformer, and it is activated in the main.ts file

This patch does the followings

  • Patches plainToClass to set default options
    • set excludeExtraneousValues to true

So this means to you that you need to be a little extra carefull about your dtos, or another classes that you will use with class-transformer

  • Be sure to add @Expose decorator to all properties in your class
    • otherwise class-transformer won't be able to transform properties
  • We are explicitly setting an options parameter to set excludeExtraneousValues to false on automatic document validation function schemaValidateOrReject
    • that way you don't need to use @Expose parameter on your schemas

How to use mongoose? is there any quirks?

Automatic Document validation support

We have set up a method to automatically validate your documents before inserting them, on pre save middleware of mongoose, we are calling our beatiful schemaValidateOrReject helper to validate the document with the rules defined in your schema class using class-validator

So, all of the class-validator features are available to serve you! even @ValidateNested on your maps, array, etc.

Be sure to extend your schemas from BaseSchema inside @nnest/mongoose module
otherwise this feature won't work, as we build that on the BaseSchema

Exception handling and validations

Global ValidationPipe is configured to make your life easier with validation errors, so request DTO's will be automatically validated and processed

What about custom validations? like entity validation?

If you look at the UsersService how it saves a User into database, you will see there is a call to schemaValidateOrReject method.

This method is your helper to simulate the same automatic logic with request DTO's, you can validate any document, or another type classes with class-validator library and with this helper.

This method simply validates the given object and throws SchemaValidationException if any validation error occurs

Our global SchemaValidationExceptionFilter filter is configured to help you out here, it handles all the SchemaValidationException for you.

In most cases you do not need to call schemaValidateOrReject because we have a hook in BaseSchema that calls the method automatically for you on any save operation (inserts and updates), go remove the line in UserService and you will see it will still validate

Also, there is a safeValidateOrReject helper in api module too. It does the same thing only difference is throw and ValidationException that derives from HttpException, so global exception filter is handling this exception too.