IR Study Companion is a platform that offers a comprehensive and free course designed to provide a structured self-study guide for individuals keen on delving into the realm of international relations. Designed with a focus on international relations, Asia, and Indonesia, this website aims to provide a structured learning path for those interested in this field. Whether you're a student or a curious mind, our courses are intended for study purposes, offering a wealth of knowledge without the need for external references.
Read the disclaimer page to understand what you can do with the materials.
The theme template is based on jekyll-chapterbook by jasongrimes and jekyll-gitbook by sighingnow.
Deployed with Netlify and GitHub Pages.
My version of the theme includes support for Google Analytics. To enable it, add the following to your _config.yml
google_analytics: "<YOUR GOOGLE ANALYTICS KEY, e.g, UA-xxxxxx-x>"