- Each pane will contain its own, independently running terminal instance.
- Tmux keeps these windows and panes in sessions which you can exit (detach) and enter (attach) at any point (Tmux keeps the session alive until you kll the tmux server).
- Tmux offers two big features, window and session management.
Note: All commands in tmux are triggered by a prefix key followed by a command key (quite similar to emacs).
This will create a new tmux session
C-b % // Horizontal split
C-b " // Vertical split
C-b <arrow key> // <arrow key> is the arrow key pointing to the pane you want to switch to
Note: Or you can just type exit
C-b c (A new window will then be repesented to you in tmux's status bar)
C-b p // To switch to previous window, according to the order in the status bar
C-b n // To switch to next window
C-b <number> // Where <number> is the number in front of the window's name in your status bar
Note: If you're done with your session you can either get rid of it by simply exiting all the panes inside or you can keep the session in the background for later use.
C-b d // To detach current session
Note: Now that the session is detached you can pick it up from where you left it at any later point in time. To re-attach to a session you need to figure out which will detach your session but will leave you're doing in that session running in the background.
tmux ls
The above will give you a list of all running sessions.
tmux attach -t 0
Note: -t 0
is the parameter that tells tmux which session to attach to. "0" is the first part of your tmux ls output.
If you prefer to give your sessions a more meaningful name (instead of a numerical one starting with 0) you can create your next session using
tmux new -s <session-name>
You could also rename your existing session by
tmux rename-session -t 0 <session-name>
Next time you attach to that session you can simple use
tmux attach -t <session-name>
C-b ? // To see a list of available commands
C-b z // To make a pane go full screen and vice versa
C-b C-<arrow-key> // Resize pane in the direction of arrow keys
C-b , // Rename the current window