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CarlHacks Website


  1. Install NodeJS and MongoDB.
  2. Start the Mongo server by opening a new terminal and typing mongod.
  3. Clone the repo by opening another new terminal, and typing git clone
  4. Change into the new repo's directory with cd website.
  5. Install dependencies with npm install.
  6. Then do npm install stylus.
  7. Then do touch api_keys.js.
  8. Start the Node server with npm start.
  9. Visit http://localhost:8080 to see the site!

Setting Up Deploys

  1. Get the RSA keys and deploy scripts from Adam or Ken, and drop them in the project directory. There should be 3: carlhacks_rsa,, and carlhacks_publish.
  2. Make sure they permissions are set correctly on the new files with chmod 600 carlhacks_*
  3. Make sure you're using Github with SSH keys
  4. Make sure your checking out this repo with SSH. Type git remote -v in the repo. If you don't see two origin listings that start with, you'll need to change your origin to SSH with git remote set-url origin Make sure git push and git pull still work after doing this — if they don't you probably didn't set up your SSH keys correctly.


Once you're done with the deploy setup above, just type ./carlhacks_publish while in the repo's directory.


mongoexport --db carlhacks --collection users --csv --fieldFile userfields.txt --out ./applicants.csv