Android app to retrieve information from the Marvel API and displays a lot of details from every character of the Marvel world in a beautiful and easy way.
, List
and Details
We will be using the Architecture Components approach of the Android Jetpack libraries. This means extensive use of the MVVM pattern and reactive programming. The controller interfaces will be implemented in ViewModel
classes, views will be represented for their respective Fragments
and models will be wrapped inside LiveData
objects. LiveData and ViewModels classes are lifecycle-aware and they allow the use of Observer pattern to handle the app state. As a plus, these LiveData objects are thread-safe and we can exploit this capacity to create asynchronous requests to the API to improve performance. With this architecture, our code gains clearness and separation of concerns (with the help of dependency inversion
) so this facilitates the usage of TDD.
For data persistence
we are going to use the Room
library due to its simplicity and robustness with the Object Relational Mapping
. This library works very well with ViewModels and LiveData classes and creates an abstraction layer on top of SQL operations by using annotations
To get an effective decoupling of the views, the Data Binding and View Binding libraries are helpful. With this, the views have the single responsibility
of displaying information whilst the rest of the data handling resides in the ViewModel classes.
In the UI, we will be using Material Desing components mostly. For the list of characters we select the RecyclerView as is more effective than ListView or similars. Whilst in the Details view, we
- Setting main views/navigation/layouts.
- Setting main models/controllers/interfaces.
- Setup API client.
- Request the list of characters.
- Request character details.
- Parsing response and display the list of character with RecyclerView.
- Parsing response and display character details.
- Adding coroutines to create async requests.
- Adding persistence.
- Adding tests. **
** Tests will be created upfront using TDD for the business logic as much as possible.
- Splash screen with Motion Layout.
- Dependency Injection with Hilt.
- Animations for fragment transitions and UI components.
- Day/Night mode.
- Predominant color detector for Details view using Palette component