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In this simple project, a dockerize airflow job launches an apache beam pipeline that reads data from a csv file and load into a postgres database.

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The goal of this simple project is to launch or schedule an apache beam pipeline with apache airflow launched with docker and docker-compose.

The beam pipeline read csv data and load the data into a postgres database. The beam pipeline used here is the one defined in this repository. Check it out if you want to know more.


  • python==3.8
  • airflow==2.8.1
  • apache-beam==2.52.0
  • apache-airflow-providers-apache-beam==5.5.0
  • apache-airflow-providers-postgres==5.10.0

Project structure

├── Airflow
│   ├── dags
│   ├── docker-compose.yml
│   ├── staging_dags
│   │   └──
│   ├── logs
│   └── workers
│       ├── beam
│       │   ├──
│       │   └── source
│       │       └── salary_data.csv
│       ├── Dockerfile
│       └── requirements.txt
└── TargetDB

The TargetDB folder contains only a .env database environment variable to necessary to launch the postgres container. Below is the content of the .env file.


Folder Airflow contains all the necessary files to launch Apache Airflow and run airflow dags. The airflow instance is launched with the RootFolder/Airflow/docker-compose.yml file.

  • The dags folder is dedicated to containing the airflow dags,
  • The staging_dags folder is a staging area for reviewing airflow dags before moving them to the dags folder for execution by the airflow scheduler,
  • The logs is designed to contains airflow pipeline executions logs,
  • workers contains necessary the files to set the workers environment (install airflow plugins and requirements) and the apache beam pipelines to run.

Launch the Target Database

As a recall, the goal here is run an apache beam pipeline that will read a csv file and load the data into a postgres database. The target database here is launched in a separate docker container, not included in the docker-compose.yml of the airflow environment.

For communication to be possible between airflow and the target database, both must belong to the same docker network.

First create a docker network airflow_net with the command below

docker network create airflow_net

Then run a postgres container:

docker run --name target_db -p 5433:5432 --env-file .env --network=airflow_net -d postgres:13-alpine
  • --name target_db: set the name of the container,
  • -p 5433:5432: listening to port 5433 on localhost and 5432 inside the container,
  • --network airflow_net: put the container inside the airflow_net network
  • --env-file .env: load postgres environment variables from the .env file
  • postgres:13-alpine: the version of the docker image to pull from dockerhub

With option -d, the container is running in detached mode.

Note that all the containers running apache airflow will the assigned to the same airflow_net docker network.

Launch Apache Airflow

Apply database migrations

docker compose run airflow-webserver airflow db migrate

This command applies database migration necessary for the web server to run.

Start Airflow

Launch Apache Airflow in detach mode with the docker compose command:

docker compose up -d

and open the admin web UI with localhost:8081. The default username is airflow, same for the password.

Create Airflow connection object for the target database

On the menu, go to Admin >> Connections and add a new postgres connection with the following values:

  • Connection Id: target_db_id
  • Connection Type: Postgres
  • Host: target_db
  • Database: beam_db
  • Login: beam_user
  • Password: ra5hoxetRami5
  • Port: 5432

Or run the command below to create the connection id

docker-compose exec airflow-webserver bash -c "airflow connections add 'target_db_id' \
--conn-type 'postgres' \
--conn-schema 'beam_db' \
--conn-login 'beam_user' \
--conn-password 'ra5hoxetRami5' \
--conn-host 'target_db' \
--conn-port '5432'"

Create the airflow variables that are used in the DAG

  • The sink_postgres_table variable sets the name of the destination table: "salary_data" is this case, but you can set anything you want. The table will be automatically created in the target postgres database,
  • The source_csv_file variable contains the path to the source csv file,
  • The beam_pipeline_py_file variable contains the path to the beam pipeline launched by airflow.
docker compose exec airflow-webserver bash -c "airflow variables set sink_postgres_table salary_data"
docker compose exec airflow-webserver bash -c "airflow variables set source_csv_file /opt/airflow/workers/beam/source/salary_data.csv"
docker compose exec airflow-webserver bash -c "airflow variables set beam_pipeline_py_file /opt/airflow/workers/beam/"

Run the Airflow DAG

Copy/Move the DAG from the staging to the dags folder

$ cd Launch an Apache Beam Pipeline with Apache Airflow/Airflow
$ mv staging_dags/ dags/

It will take 3-5 min for airflow to detect the dags.

Schedule the DAG

You can run your dag by clicking on the Run button or just schedule the dag by changing the the start_date and schedule_interval parameters of the DAG object. By default, I configured the pipeline to run once on the 2100-01-01T00:00. Change the start_date parameter to run at you ease.

default_args = {
    'owner': 'airflow',
    'start_date': datetime(year=2100, month=1, day=1, hour=00, minute=00),
    'retries': 1,
    'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=1)
with DAG(dag_id='beam_pipeline_dag', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval='@once',
    description='A simple DAG to run a Beam pipeline that reads data from a csv file and load into a postgres database'
) as dag:

You can also change the schedule interval as follows to run the dag every 5 minutes for example.

schedule_interval='*/5 * * * *'

Inspect the sink table & check the result

Connect to the target_db container

docker exec -it target_db bash
  1. The connect to the postgres database
psql -U beam_user -d beam_db
  1. Use the \d command to list the relations (tables) and confirm that the table defined by the sink_postgres_table variable has been created.
            List of relations
 Schema |    Name     | Type  |   Owner   
 public | salary_data | table | beam_user
(1 row)
  1. Run the select query to confirm that the data from the csv file have beam copied to the target table
select * from salary_table;
 age | gender | education_level |               job_title               | year_of_experience | salary 
  32 | Male   | Bachelor        | Software Engineer                     |                  5 |  90000
  28 | Female | Master          | Data Analyst                          |                  3 |  65000
  45 | Male   | PhD             | Senior Manager                        |                 15 | 150000
  36 | Female | Bachelor        | Sales Associate                       |                  7 |  60000
  52 | Male   | Master          | Director                              |                 20 | 200000
  29 | Male   | Bachelor        | Marketing Analyst                     |                  2 |  55000
  42 | Female | Master          | Product Manager                       |                 12 | 120000
  31 | Male   | Bachelor        | Sales Manager                         |                  4 |  80000
  26 | Female | Bachelor        | Marketing Coordinator                 |                  1 |  45000
  38 | Male   | PhD             | Senior Scientist                      |                 10 | 110000
  29 | Male   | Master          | Software Developer                    |                  3 |  75000


Christian Carmel WENGA


In this simple project, a dockerize airflow job launches an apache beam pipeline that reads data from a csv file and load into a postgres database.






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