Example kubectl plugin that force deletes a pod, removing any finalizers that may be blocking deletion.
$ curl -sLO https://github.com/carolynvs/kubectl-kill-plugin/releases/download/latest/kill.zip
$ unzip kill.zip -d ~/.kube/plugins/
Archive: kill.zip
creating: ~/.kube/plugins/kill/
inflating: ~/.kube/plugins/kill/plugin.yaml
inflating: ~/.kube/plugins/kill/kill
$ make test
kubectl create -f test.yaml
pod "hello-world" created
kubectl get pod hello-world -o jsonpath='{.metadata.finalizers}'
kubectl plugin kill hello-world -v=0 --grace-period=0
removed finalizers from pod hello-world
killing default/hello-world with a grace period of 0s...
deleted pod hello-world
$ make deploy
mkdir -p ~/.kube/plugins/kill
go build -o ~/.kube/plugins/kill/kill
cp plugin.yaml ~/.kube/plugins/kill/