$ doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save k8s-cash-track
$ kubectl config current-context
Configure default namespace to avoid adding -n namespace-name
every time
$ kubectl config get-users # copy name of the user
$ kubectl config get-clusters # copy name of the cluster
$ kubectl config set-context prod --namespace=cash-track --cluster={cluster} --user={user} # use previously copied values
$ kubectl config use-context prod
DigitalOcean managed cluster is used.
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.8.1/deploy/static/provider/do/deploy.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.10.1/deploy/static/provider/do/deploy.yaml
Note. If you see some errors like "field is immutable", check for which k8s resources the error is. Most likely you can delete old resource and try to apply again.
Note. If you don't see nginx_*
metrics, make sure --enable-metrics=true
is set for ingress-nginx-controller pod arguments.
$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.9.1/cert-manager.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.15.1/cert-manager.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml
$ helm repo add actions-runner-controller https://actions-runner-controller.github.io/actions-runner-controller
$ # or
$ helm repo update actions-runner-controller https://actions-runner-controller.github.io/actions-runner-controller
$ # then
$ helm upgrade --install --namespace actions-runner-system --create-namespace \
--wait actions-runner-controller actions-runner-controller/actions-runner-controller \
--set "githubWebhookServer.enabled=true"
Generate secret
$ cp common/actions-runner/.github-runner-secret.yml.example common/actions-runner/github-runner-secret.yml
Add GitHub personal access token to common/actions-runner/github-runner-secret.yml
. Make sure you added all required permissions (see https://github.com/actions-runner-controller/actions-runner-controller#deploying-using-pat-authentication).
Regenerate your GitHub personal access token in Tokens page. Once done encode it using Base64 encoding:
$ echo -n 'your-personal-access-token' | base64
Update Base64 encoded token in common/actions-runner/github-runner-secret.yml
file then execute
$ kubectl apply -f common/actions-runner/github-runner-secret.yml
$ kubectl rollout restart -n actions-runner-system deployment/actions-runner-controller
$ curl -L https://github.com/actions/actions-runner-controller/releases/download/actions-runner-controller-0.23.3/actions-runner-controller-0.23.3.tgz | tar zxv --strip 1 actions-runner-controller/crds
$ kubectl replace -f crds/
$ # helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] [flags]
$ helm upgrade actions-runner-controller \
actions-runner-controller/actions-runner-controller \
--install \
--namespace actions-runner-system \
--version ${CHART_VERSION}
Optionally to allow accessing internal cluster resources through tunnel Tailscale can be installed on cluster as an operator that exposes resources
Follow instruction where you'll get OAuth credentials to prepare and execute:
$ helm repo add tailscale https://pkgs.tailscale.com/helmcharts
$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade \
--install \
tailscale-operator \
tailscale/tailscale-operator \
--namespace=tailscale \
--create-namespace \
--set-string oauth.clientId="{OAuth-Client-ID}" \
--set-string oauth.clientSecret="{OAuth-Client-Secret}" \
Now to expose any of your Service
to the internal network add annotations
tailscale.com/expose: 'true'
tailscale.com/hostname: ct-prod-grafana # Follow convention `ct-prod-{service-name}`
As soon as Tailscale connected on the device, service should be accessible as http://cp-prod-grafana
In case for existing service configured to expose does not appear in tailnet - recreate it:
$ kubectl delete -n monitoring service alertmanager
$ kubectl apply -f services/alertmanager/service.yml
To enable operator's debug logs add operator config to the original installation command (before --wait
--set operatorConfig.logging=debug
Namespace: cash-track
Generate secrets definition
$ cp common/configs/.secret.yml.example common/configs/secret.yml
$ cp common/configs/.cloudflare-secret.yml.example common/configs/cloudflare-secret.yml
$ cp services/api/.secret.yml.example services/api/secret.yml
$ cp services/mysql/.secret.yml.example services/mysql/secret.yml
$ cp services/mysql-exporter/.secret.yml.example services/mysql-exporter/secret.yml
Configure values for every created files
Every data
value of a secret must be BASE64 encoded:
$ echo -n 'admin' | base64
$ kubectl create -n monitoring configmap prometheus-configs --from-file=./services/prometheus/configs -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl apply -f -
$ kubectl create -n monitoring configmap alertmanager-configs --from-file=./services/alertmanager/configs -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl apply -f -
$ kubectl create -n monitoring configmap grafana-configs --from-file=./services/grafana/configs -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl apply -f -
$ kubectl create -n monitoring configmap grafana-loki-configs --from-file=./services/grafana-loki/configs -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl apply -f -
$ kubectl create -n monitoring configmap promtail-configs --from-file=./services/promtail/configs -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl apply -f -
$ kubectl apply -f ./common/namespace.yml
$ kubectl apply -R -f ./common
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/prometheus
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/node-exporter
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/grafana
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/grafana-loki
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/promtail
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/alertmanager
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/redis
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/mysql
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/mysql-backup
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/mysql-exporter
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/api
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/gateway
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/website
$ kubectl apply -f ./services/frontend
$ kubectl exec deployments/api -it -- php app.php migrate
To follow deployment process for every new version once initial setup is done use commands per each service defined
$ kubectl set image deployment/api api=cashtrack/api:1.2.9 # Deploy new tag
$ kubectl rollout status deployment/api # Watch deployment status
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment/api # Rollback current deployment
$ kubectl rollout history deployment/api # List past deployment revision
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment/api # Redeploy currently deployed tag
$ kubectl exec deployments/api -it -- php app.php cache:clean
$ kubectl exec deployments/api -it -- php app.php migrate
$ kubectl exec deployments/api -it -- php app.php newsletter:send Newsletter\\TelegramChannelMail --test 1
$ kubectl set image deployment/gateway gateway=cashtrack/gateway:1.2.9 # Deploy new tag
$ kubectl rollout status deployment/gateway # Watch deployment status
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment/gateway # Rollback current deployment
$ kubectl rollout history deployment/gateway # List past deployment revision
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment/gateway # Redeploy currently deployed tag
$ kubectl set image deployment/website website=cashtrack/website:0.1.14 # Deploy new tag
$ kubectl rollout status deployment/website # Watch deployment status
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment/website # Rollback current deployment
$ kubectl rollout history deployment/website # List past deployment revision
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment/website # Redeploy currently deployed tag
$ kubectl set image deployment/frontend frontend=cashtrack/frontend:1.1.4 # Deploy new tag
$ kubectl rollout status deployment/frontend # Watch deployment status
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment/frontend # Rollback current deployment
$ kubectl rollout history deployment/frontend # List past deployment revision
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment/frontend # Redeploy currently deployed tag
$ kubectl set image statefulset/mysql mysql=cashtrack/mysql:1.0.8 # Deploy new tag of MySQL
$ kubectl rollout status statefulset/mysql # Watch deployment status
$ kubectl rollout undo statefulset/mysql # Rollback current deployment
$ kubectl rollout history statefulset/mysql # List past deployment revision
$ kubectl rollout restart statefulset/mysql # Redeploy currently deployed tag
$ kubectl set image deployment/mysql-backup backup=cashtrack/mysql-backup:0.0.5 # Deploy new tag of Backup
$ kubectl rollout status deployment/mysql-backup # Watch deployment status
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment/mysql-backup # Rollback current deployment
$ kubectl rollout history deployment/mysql-backup # List past deployment revision
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment/mysql-backup # Redeploy currently deployed tag
$ kubectl exec deployment/mysql-backup -it -- php app.php list
$ kubectl exec deployment/mysql-backup -it -- php app.php backup
$ kubectl exec deployment/mysql-backup -it -- php app.php restore <id>
$ kubectl exec deployment/mysql-backup -it -- php app.php clear --days=7
$ kubectl set image statefulset/redis redis=cashtrack/redis:1.0.1 # Deploy new tag of Redis
$ kubectl rollout status statefulset/redis # Watch deployment status
$ kubectl rollout undo statefulset/redis # Rollback current deployment
$ kubectl rollout history statefulset/redis # List past deployment revision
$ kubectl rollout restart statefulset/redis # Redeploy currently deployed tag
$ kubectl port-forward service/mysql 33060:3306 # Connect to MySQL from local
$ kubectl port-forward service/redis 63790:6379 # Connect to Redis from local
$ kubectl exec pods/mysql-0 -it -- bash # SSH into a Pod
$ kubectl exec pods/mysql-0 --container backup -it -- bash # SSH into a specific container of a Pod
The list of exposed services available via Tailscale.
- AlertManager: http://ct-prod-alertmanager:9093
- Grafana: http://ct-prod-grafana:80
- Prometheus: http://ct-prod-prometheus:9090
- MySQL:
- Redis:
- MySQL:
(Telegram bots)
$ kubectl delete pods <pod> --grace-period=0 --force # First try to force remove <pod>
$ kubectl patch pod <pod> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}' # If first attempt didn't work, try this one
If you see certain logs in the pod output repeated many times:
"Failed to generate serving certificate, retrying..." err="internal error: CA certificate has expired, try again later"
Run the following command to trigger regenerate CA
$ kubectl delete secret -n cert-manager cert-manager-webhook-ca