This Vagrantfile provisions a basebox with Oracle 12cR2 RDBMS. The following software is installed:
- Prerequisite packages, kernel parameters, limits and volume resizing
- Oracle database software (EE)
- A database instance with SID 'db1'
- Init script for automatic startup
After installation, Enterprise Manager Database Express can be accessed at https://localhost:5500/em. System and sys passwords are 'Welcome01'. The listener can be accessed at localhost port 1521.
Example of how to run SQL scripts:
[oracle@vagrant ~]$ sysdba < /vagrant/sql/db_create.sql
The Vagrantfile assumes a minimal basebox with name 'centos-6.7-x86_64'. Add this box to vagrant, or change to another RHEL compatible box.
Download and add the following binaries:
- oracle/
Oracle database installation guide:
Summarized guides from internet: