- Name: 黃永翔 (Sean Huang)
- Role: Frontend Engineer
- Location: Tainan, Taiwan
- Blog: Sean's Blog
- Email: castle2668@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Sean Huang
- CV: seanhuang.dev/resume
- MapleStory Match Cards Mini Game: 🃏 MapleStory Match Cards Mini Game. Built with Vite + React + Shadcn UI + Zustand + React Query. Tested with Vitest + React Testing Library + Cypress.
- MapleStory Shop: 🍁 Show my LOVE for MapleStory over the years by building this website featuring iconic items!
- Mask Map: A website that shows us where to buy face masks in Taiwan, originally developed during the COVID-19 pandemic to support public health needs. Built with Vue 2 + Bootstrap + OpenStreetMap + Leaflet.
- Studio Ghibli: Studio Ghibli Fan Project built with React.
- Sean's Blog: Blog built with Astro + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript + ESLint + Markdown. Bringing articles, stories, and tutorials for web enthusiasts.
- Next.js App Router Blog: SSG blog built with Next.js App Router + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + Markdown.
- Next.js Pages Router Blog: SSG blog built with Next.js Pages Router + CSS Modules + Markdown.
- Gatsby Blog: SSG blog built with Gatsby.js + styled-components + GraphQL + Markdown.
- JavaScript (TypeScript)
- UI interaction and browser-related technologies
- SEO and web page performance optimization-related technologies
- Now I mainly use React, and I also have development experience in Vue 2
- Favorite tech stack: Vite + React (SPA) / Astro (SSG) / Next.js (SSR) + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + TypeScript + Zustand + React Query + Vitest + React Testing Librery + Playwright
- Favorite development configuration: EditorConfig + Prettier + ESLint + simple-import-sort
- Want to get more familiar with open data and data visualization
- Have learned C, PHP, MySQL, Python, and Java in college
- Have built an Autonomous Lawn Mower using Pixhawk, ArduRover, and Mission Planner