A simple document framework for using markdown as system documentation.
Documentation is always a boring job for developer.
When working on the document of "Powerpage",
there are some markdown files composed for github (e.g. README.md).
I would like to make use of these markdown files for the following purposes
- Generage document from markdown for web hosting. e.g. github page: https://casualwriter.github.io/powerpage/
- Directly run from github repository via CDN. e.g. rawgit.org: https://ghcdn.rawgit.org/casualwriter/powerpage-md-document/main/source/index.html)
- run within Powerpage with Powerpage API enabled.
Actually, the program only has one file (i.e. index.html), in pure javascript without any dependance.
it will do the following
- load markdown file by js function
- parse it into html by js function
- show in right-panel with TOC+scrollspy by js function
simpleTOC( srcDIV, toDiv, title )
- for mobile, show document only. and show TOC by touch-right event
Please direct modify index.html to link up the top-menu to your markdown files
Below is the default setup for Powerpage Documentation.
<body onload="loadMdFile( location.href.split('?file=')[1]||'README.md', '<b>Contents</b>' )">
<div id=header>
<span id=title>Powerpage <small>(documentation)</small></span>
<span id=menu style="float:right; padding:12px">
<button onclick="loadMdFile( 'README.md', this.innerText )">Home</button>
<button onclick="loadMdFile( 'interface.md', this.innerText )">API</button>
<button onclick="loadMdFile( 'development.md', this.innerText )">Development</button>
<button onclick="loadMdFile( 'pp-document.md', this.innerText )">Document.md</button>
<button onclick="loadMdFile( 'pp-md-editor', this.innerText )" disabled>Markdown-Editor</button>
<button onclick="loadMdFile( 'pp-web-crawler.md', this.innerText )" disabled>Web-Crawler</button>
<button onclick="loadMdFile( 'pp-db-report.md', this.innerText )" disabled>DB-Reports</button>
<button onclick="window.print()">Print</button>
<button style="display:none" onclick="toggleHTML()" accesskey=s>ShowHTML</button>
<div id=content>
<div id="left-panel"></div>
<div id="right-panel"></div>
Please setup the following items for your documentation site.
- Start Flie (ie.
<body onload="loadMdFile( location.href.split('?file=')[1]||'README.md', '<b>Contents</b>' )">
) - Page Title (ie.
<span id=title>{page-title}</span>
) - Menu Items (ie.
<button onclick="loadMdFile( '{markdown-file}', this.innerText )">{document-title}</button>)
then copy index.html with markdown documents to web server. that's ALL!
ps: a hidden function for developer. Press [Alt-S] will toggles page between normal and raw HTML.
Program includes a simple markdown parser in vanilla javascript. Source can be found at index.html
Document of supported markdown syntax can be found at https://casualwriter.github.io/powerpage/?file=pp-md-document.md#markdown-syntax
- 2021/10/05, v0.48, initial verison, minor revision from pp-document.html
- 2021/10/06, v0.50, cater url parameter, get filename from url.
- 2021/10/08, v0.60, add scrollspy feature.
- 2021/10/12, v0.64, refine of simple markdown parser
- 2021/10/21, v0.67, minor fix on md parser and TOC
- 2021/11/16, v0.68, mobile support for responsive css and touch event