Robot kinematics, dynamics, control and learning
This repository is mostly about manipulator robotics. I will write code about kinematic and dynamic simulation of robots. Also, I will write controller code, both classical and modern, to control them. Finally, I will write code for robot learning.
To clone this repository, use
git clone
To see what files have changed and have not yet been committed, use
git status
To get a file ready to commit you need to add it. (This is because you must tell git which files it should save.) To add a single file use
git add filename
To add all of the changed files (that are currently tracked by git), use
git add -u
To save the changes, use the command
git commit -m 'In quotes, give an explanation of your changes'
To upload the changes to the server, use:
git push
If something changed on the server version that you don't have, you can get the most recent files using:
git pull