I've got a simple wireless weather station (the Maplin N25FR "Professional Weather Station" - it appears to be a generic unit that's also sold as a bunch of other things; the receiver unit identifies it as a "WH1050") that transmits on 433MHz. We're having a hack week at work notionally related to the Internet Of Things, so I've decided to try and reverse engineer it using an off-the-shelf 433MHz receiver and an Arduino.
Monday morning
Connected up the Arduino to the receiver (5V on the arduino to VCC, GND to GND, pin 2 [interrupt 0] to a data pin on the receiver).
Tried the rc_switch library to see if we could trivially dump any data, but produced no results.
Wired an LED in parallel with the data pin; saw it flashing like crazy. Using a handheld radio confirmed loads of noise around 433Mhz.
After considerable mucking about, figured out the noise was coming from the USB power supply for the arduino - running the sketch (with debug LED) powered by battery gave a much cleaner output.
However, rc_switch is still not giving us anything useful.
Dumping the pulse-duration data (using the dump_433 sketch - assumes a 433MHz receiver on interrupt 0) shows the weather station appears to be transmitting PWM encoded data (see dump.dat). The interrupt is triggered on every transition, and every other value is ~1000us, with ~500us and ~1500us pulses presumably encoding the data:
The next step is to decode this and try and correspond it to the data I see on the weather station base unit:
Monday afternoon
Written a python script to decode the dumps making the assumptions above - working on 500us == 0, 1500us == 1.
Also assuming little-endian for the moment, but can change that later. Need to cross-correlate the dumps with actual data from the weather station next and see if I can reverse-engineer the format.
The dumps appear to be either 159 or 63 transitions (corresponding to 80 or 32 bits) - wondering if it might be a key-frame/delta type deal.
The longer pulses appear to have a common header: (sorry, the binary is backwards...)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0
1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 | 181
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 | 188
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 | 129
Monday evening
Now have a python script that monitors the serial port for the arduino's output and "decodes" the packets as best we know how at the moment.
I'm really not convinced the decoding is "real" at the moment but I'm basically relying on watching the difference in the bits by eye - for constant conditions, the packets really vary very little, so verifying bit differences for small changes should be possible.
Tuesday morning
Diffing between packets of data added, along with various readability improvements for the serial logger.
We appear to see either 80-bit or 32-bit bursts of data from the transmitter, so the serial logger recognises these. Additionally, the 32-bit bursts appear to be identical to the last 32-bits of the 80-bit bursts.
The serial logger now diffs the packets it receives - the first 48-bits of a long packet get compared to the first 48-bits of the previous long packet; short packets or the last 32-bits of a long packet get compared to the last short packet or last 32-bits of a long packet received.
At the same time, a webcam is now pointed at the base station and captures an image every time the serial logger registers a snapshot:
The serial logger also logs the time/date, so we can correlate the two:
LONG PACKET @ 2013-10-29-12-24-33
0 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 | 1 0 1 0 | 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 | 1 1 0 1 | 0 1 1 1 | 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 | 1 0 0 0 | 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 | 1 0 1 1 | 1 1 0 0
0000 | 0000 | 1010 | 1010 | 0111 | 1101 | 0111 | 1010 |
0000 | 0000 | 1010 | 1010 | 0111 | 1101 | 0111 | 1001 |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | --XX |
1101 | 1000 | 1111 | 1111 |
1101 | 1000 | 1111 | 1111 |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
1111 | 1111 | 1111 | 1111 | 1111 | 1111 | 1011 | 1100 |
1111 | 1111 | 1111 | 1111 | 1111 | 1111 | 0100 | 0101 |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | XXXX | X--X |
However, correlation is proving tricky. Nearly everything results in a change of nibbles 7 and 8 of the short packet. Changes in windspeed result in changes in nibble 2 of the short packet.
The changes in nibbles 7 and 8 would suggest some kind of checksum (they change whenever any value changes - humidity, temperature, windspeed - rain is so far untested) but no other value appears to change in the short packet, and the display definitely updates when these packets are received.
Further work is evidently required to decode the transmission...
Tuesday afternoon
Trying various types of data analysis. It's confusing. For example, a change of humidity from 41% to 42% (and no change in anything else) causes the final two nibbles to change thus:
1001 1110 Before
1101 1010 After
-X-- -X-- Changed bits
However, a change of temperature from 24.2C to 24.3C (and no change in anything else) causes the final two nibbles to change thus:
1001 1110 Before
1100 1001 After
-X-X -XXX Changed bits
Which is - bit 2 of each word changes when either the humidity or the temperature changes, but there are no changes in the data for humidity that aren't also in the changes for the temperature.
I've now written a script which determines which bits in the data change over time. For steady wind/rain, the pattern appears to be:
Long diffs:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - X X X X X X X X
- - - - X X X X - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - X X X X X X X X
Short diffs:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - X X X X X X X X
Tuesday afternoon - Interlude
David Dunn from Electric Imp dropped by Red Gate to give a quick demonstration of their Internet of Things platform and leave a couple of devkits behind - the intention is to get the arduino uploading data to the cloud using this if I can ever decode the data format.
Tuesday end-of-day
A bit frustrated; I'm failing to see any clear pattern in the logs/captures I've got. Probably best put it to bed for now and try again tomorrow.
No real progress; interview in morning and other work took up the afternoon.
Plan of attack for tomorrow - try and get inside the sensors and see if any of the parts have useful looking datasheets anywhere.
Thursday morning
It's amazing what a day off and a bit of googling will do.
So, I took various things apart and didn't get very far, unsurprisingly. Then I went back to staring at the bitstreams - I've had a niggling feeling for the past couple of days that the short packets might be a red herring, so I went back to the logs and webcam grabs of the receiver I had, and tried correlating the two. Suddenly, it all becomes clear.
When temperatures change, I observe changes in nibbles 6 and 7 of the long packet as well as changes in the the final two nibbles. The changes in nibbles 6 and 7 seem to be changes by 1 when the temperature changes by 0.1C. AHA!
So my theory is now:
- The last two nibbles are a checksum
- The short packets are a red herring
Googling around, I found this page where someone else has had some success reverse engineering a (different) Maplin weather station and has come to very similar conclusions to me. Their conclusion is that the temperature is 3 nibbles, and to get the temperature, you subtract 400 (0x190) and divide by ten. Well, does that work?
I've got a log with:
1101 0111 1100
for nibbles 5, 6 and 7 (assuming the LSN is the last of the three) and a screenshot showing 24.3C. Given the conversion above, this gives us a temperature of... 305.2C. That's not right.
Wait. I've previously made assumptions about the mapping of short/long pulses to 1s and 0s. Maybe I got that wrong?
0010 1000 0011
...which is 0x283, which is 643. (643 - 400) / 10 = 24.3C
Woop! Got it. Right, now to do something useful with this knowledge...
Thursday lunchtime
OK, so my intention was to use the Electric Imp that Dave dropped off on tuesday to get this data onto the internet - basically, implement a simple serial protocol between the Arduino and the Imp, and have the Imp push data up to the cloud when it receives a message from the Arduino.
Unfortunately, the Imp is 3.3v and the Arduino is 5v and I lack a suitable level shifter (or the components to build one) so that idea will have to go on hold for the moment.
Meanwhile, I've written a more special-purpose Arduino sketch that receives data from the weather station, decodes it and writes the temperature and humidity data to the serial port.
In the absence of being able to use the Imp for anything, I now need to decide what to do next - I have an SD card board, so I could use that to log data when not connected to a serial console...
Thursday mid-afternoon
So, it turns out a trivial voltage divider is enough to get the Arduino talking to the Imp - the Arduino is happy enough with the 3.3V level the Imp puts out in the other direction also.
This means I've now got the world's most convoluted serial console hooked up to my Arduino - using the software serial connected via the voltage divider to pins 5 and 7 on the Imp (which are hardwired to the Imp's UART) and a simple serial monitor running on the Imp, I can see the output from my weather station Arduino sketch on the Imp debug console:
Which is pretty neat. Next, decode that data and make it available via a web service.
(annoyingly, I can't seem to get things to work unless the Arduino has both a USB and 9V battery attached, and the Imp doesn't want to run off a USB power supply either, so currently it's taking 2 USB ports and a 9V battery to make it work, and it currently looks like this:
Which is a bit of a mess, but hey ho)
Thursday late afternoon
The perennial problem of noise has arisen again - it turns out that connecting the USB-powered Imp does actually generate a substantial amount of noise in the 433MHz circuit, meaning that getting clean, useful data from the receiver becomes very difficult as soon as it is connected. A clean packet does get through very occasionally, and when it does, the data wends its way through the cloudyweb and I have a nice little Imp application that allows you to retrieve the current temperature and humidity from an HTTP request. Sadly, it only seems to get a useful packet about once every half hour, and the rest of the time there's just too much noise.
Thursday afternoon a bit later still...
It seems if I continually poll the Imp UART (using imp.onidle rather than imp.wakeup) the noise virtually goes away. This is far from ideal in a low- power device, but it will do for now.
Friday morning
The setup seems to be reasonably stable if not terribly power efficient as it is. I tried hooking the Imp directly up to the Arduino UART rather than using the SoftwareSerial on pins 8/9, but it kind of collapsed in a heap when I did that.
So, the final setup is:
Arduino : Both USB and 9V cell power connected
XD-RF-5V : VCC -> Arduino 5V
GND -> Arduino GND
Data -> Arduino 2 (interrupt 0)
(debug LED connected in parallel to data pin with 560ohm
resister, connected to GND)
Imp : Pin 7 (RX) -> Arduino pin 9 via voltage divider (R1 = 560ohm
R2 = 1K, grounded to Imp GND)
Pin 5 (TX) -> Arduino pin 8 (direct connection)
Power from USB
The Arduino software is in the weatherduino folder and the Imp scripts are in the impScripts folder.
(I wonder if this is because I am using quite an old Imp dev board?)
Anyway, I have temperature and humidity data in the cloud, which is nice.
Friday lunchtime
I have a web service in Python now: the Imp agent POSTs form data to it:
The service stores data in a SQLite database (called, at the moment, temperature.db). It can be queried on two other GET endpoints:
/last?<int> - retrieve the last <int> humidity and temperature records
/today - retrieve all the humidity and temperature records for today
Both return data in JSON format.
There is also a /graph endpoint. This returns an HTML document that uses D3 to draw a graph of humidity and temperature data for the current day.
(the URL the agent posts to is hardcoded. The committed version is not where my webservice really lives)