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grunt plugin


Plugin for build and run multi-single page portal

Prepare several modules (mod.*) for build (bower component with "type":"mod")

Prepare several application (app.*) for build (bower component with "type":"app")

Prepare template (template.*) for build (bower component with "type":"template")

Prepare portal (portal.*) for build (bower component with "type":"portal")

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.2

To use an cmp() object, you must load lib cmpUtil and use a function named 'getCmp' in Gruntfile.js

var cmpUtil = require('./temp/cmp.builder/lib/cmp').init(grunt);

and add in taskConfig fields components as {} and cmp as cmpUtil.getCmp function name

var taskConfig = {
    cmp: cmpUtil.getCmp,



load _bower.json, overrade dependencies from root _bower.json and generate bower.json after load dependencies or update for bower.json

var taskConfig = {
    cmpBower: {
        options: {
            sourceFile: '_bower.json'

run task


For example

grunt cmpBower

grunt cmpBower:./app.index

_bower.json example:

	"name": "portal.xx",
	"dependencies": {
		"jquery": "~2.0.3",
		"angular": "~1.2.1",
		"angular-ui-router": "~0.2.0",
		"angular-bootstrap": "~0.8.0",
		"": "git+",
		"app.index": "./app.index",
		"": "./",
		"app.catalogs": "./app.catalogs"

In _bower.json file you can use local file dependencies ./app.index After cmpBower task run created bower.json

	"name": "portal.xx",
	"dependencies": {
		"jquery": "~2.0.3",
		"angular": "~1.2.1",
		"angular-ui-router": "~0.2.0",
		"angular-bootstrap": "~0.8.0",
		"": "git+"

	"localDependencies": {
        "app.index": "./app.index",
        "": "./",
        "app.catalogs": "./app.catalogs"


This is grunt multitask, which create and build cmp() object and his dependencies (fields bower.dependencies and bower.devDependencies if options.{type}.devDependencies = true)

The type of components may be a 'mod', 'app', 'template' or 'portal', depending on the passed parameter: the directory path components.

run task

grunt cmpBuild:{target}:{path}:{parent cmpId}

For example

grunt cmpBuild:dev:.

grunt cmpBuild:prod:./app.index

grunt cmpBuild:test:app.index

grunt cmpBuild:dev:template.base

grunt cmpBuild:dev:mode.sidebar

cmpBuild task options:

  • - a list of grunt tasks to be performed for the component cmp() with the type = 'app'

  • (default false) - parsed bower.devDependencies for component cmp() with the type = 'app'

  • options.mod.task - a list of grunt tasks to be performed for the component cmp() with the type = 'mod'

  • options.mod.devDependencies (default false) - parsed bower.devDependencies for component cmp() with the type = 'mod'

  • options.template.task - a list of grunt tasks to be performed for the component cmp() with the type = 'template'

  • options.template.devDependencies (default false) - parsed bower.devDependencies for component cmp() with the type = 'template'

  • options.portal.task - a list of grunt tasks to be performed for the component cmp() with the type = 'portal'

  • options.portal.devDependencies (default false) - parsed bower.devDependencies for component cmp() with the type = 'template'

    var taskConfig = { .. cmpBuild: { options: { app: { tasks: [ 'cmpSet:app','jshint:cmp','jsonlint:app', 'clean:cmp', 'copy:cmp', 'concat:cmp', 'html2js:cmp', 'cmpConfig:app', 'assemble:app' ] }, mod: { tasks: [ 'cmpSet:mod', 'jshint:cmp', 'clean:cmp', 'copy:cmp', 'concat:cmp', 'html2js:cmp' ] }, lib: { tasks: [ 'cmpSet:lib', 'clean:cmp', 'copy:lib' ] }, template: { tasks: [ 'cmpSet:template', 'clean:cmp', 'copy:cmp','html2js:template' ] }, portal: { tasks: [ 'jshint:portal' ] } }, dev: { }, unit: { options: { app: { devDependencies: true, tasks: [ 'cmpSet:app', 'jshint:cmp', 'jsonlint:app', 'clean:cmp', 'copy:cmp', 'concat:cmp', 'html2js:cmp', 'cmpConfig:app', 'cmpKarma:unit' ] } } }, prod: { options: { app: { tasks: [ 'cmpSet:app', 'jshint:cmp', 'jsonlint:app', 'clean:cmp', 'copy:cmp', 'concat:cmp', 'html2js:cmp', 'cmpConfig:appMin', 'ngAnnotate:cmp', 'uglify:cmp', 'assemble:appMin' ] }, mod: { tasks: [ 'cmpSet:mod', 'jshint:cmp', 'clean:cmp', 'copy:cmp', 'concat:cmp', 'html2js:cmp', 'ngAnnotate:cmp', 'uglify:cmp' ] }, template: { tasks: [ 'cmpSet:template', 'clean:cmp', 'copy:cmp', 'html2js:template', 'uglify:cmp' ] } } } }, ... }

Task cmpBuild creates objects cmp() object which contains the following fields:

cmp().dir: component dir
cmp().type: type (lib,mod,app,template) - taken from "type" param from bower.json (mod | app | template) else 'lib'
cmp().name: component name (from {bower.json}.name without prefix mod,app,template if exist)
cmp().version: component version (from {bower.json}.version),
cmp().id: unique component id (for example {cmp().type}_{cmp().name}_{cmp().version} )
cmp().main: scripts (from {bower.json}.main),
cmp().authors: автор (from {bower.json}.authors),
cmp().dependencies: array identifiers dependent component (with depDependencies, if option.depDependencies = true)
cmp().dependenciesDir: root directory (generally {dir}/bower_components) which contain dependent components
cmp().template: identifier template component (If the pattern is specified in dependencies)


dynamically set additional fields to cmp() object

var taskConfig = {
    cmpSet: {
        options: {
            src: '<%=cmp().dir %>/src',
            path: '<%=cmp().type %>/<%=cmp().name %>/<%=cmp().version %>',
            dest: '< %>/<%=cmp().type %>/<%=cmp().name %>/<%=cmp().version %>'
        app: {
            options: {
                config: '<%=cmp().dir %>/src/config.yml',
                script: 'scripts/app.js',
                unit: 'tests/app-unit.spec.js',
                e2e: 'tests/app-e2e.spec.js'
        mod: {
            options: {
                config: '<%=cmp().dir %>/src/config.yml',
                script: 'scripts/mod.js',
                unit: 'tests/mod-unit.spec.js',
                e2e: 'tests/mod-e2e.spec.js'
                src: '<%=cmp().dir %>'
        template: {
            options: {
                config: '<%=cmp().dir %>/src/config.yml'


dynamically generate config object with merging baseConfig and app cmp() configField and configField mod cmp() dependencies, stored created config as Javascript in jsFile (set jsVariable = ... } , and as YAML in yamlFile

var taskConfig = {
    cmpConfig: {
        options: {
            baseConfig: './config.yml',
            configField: 'config',
            pathField: 'path',
            writeJsVariable: '_<%=cmp().name %>AppConfig',
            writeJs: '<%=cmp().dest %>/scripts/app-config.js'
        app: {
            options: {
                writeYaml: '<%=cmp().dest %>/scripts/app-config.yml',
                writeJson: '<%=cmp().dest %>/scripts/app-config.json'
        appMin: {

cmp().getScripts(), cmp().getLinks() methods

dynamically collect html scripts or html link from current and dependency cmp() objects


  • root - root path to script
  • pathField - path field for cmp() ( for example 'path' cmp().path )
  • fileFields - file field for cmp() ( for example 'main' cmp().main ),
  • minJs - use min.js or js for script extension

return array of object where

  • type - html script type attribute ( 'text/javascript' );
  • src - script src attribute as ( root + cmp().path + cmp().main ) ;
  • version - script version as ( cmp().version )




    <%= cmp().getScripts('/','path',''main',true) %>;


  • root - root path to script;
  • pathField - path field for cmp() ( for example 'path' cmp().path );
  • fileFields - file field for cmp() ( for example 'main' cmp().main );

return array of object where

  • type - html link type attribute ( 'text/css' or 'text/x-icon' or 'text/html' );
  • rel - html link rel attribute as ('stylesheet' or 'icon' or 'shortcut icon' or 'import' );
  • href - link href as root + cmp().path + cmp().main;
  • version - link version as cmp().version;




   <%= cmp().getLinks('/','path',''main',true) %>;

and for example use cmp fields in

    assemble: {
        options: {
            layoutdir: '<%=cmp(cmp().template).src %>/_layouts',
            layout: 'default.hbs',
            partials: '<%=cmp(cmp().template).src %>/_includes/*.hbs',
            flatten: true,
                assets: '/<%=cmp(cmp().template).path %>',
                name: '<%=cmp().name %>App',
                home: '/',
                path: '/<%=cmp().name %>.html',
                title: '<%=cmp() %>',
                counter: false
            javascripts: function(){
                return cmpUtil.getCmp().getScripts('/','path','main');
            links: function(){
                return cmpUtil.getCmp().getLinks('/','path','main');
        app: {
            src: ['<%=cmp().src %>/<%=cmp().name %>.hbs'],
            dest: '< %>'
        appMin: {
            options: {
                javascripts: function () {
                    return cmpUtil.getCmp().getScripts('/', 'path', 'main', true);
                counter: '<%=params.counter %>'
            src: ['<%=cmp().src %>/<%=cmp().name %>.hbs'],
            dest: '< %>'

head.hbs (include for assemble)

    {{# links }}<link type="{{ type }}" href="{{ src }}" rel="{{ rel }}" media="{{ media }}"/>
    {{/ links }}

scripts.hbs (include for assemble)

    {{# javascripts }}<script type="{{ type }}" src="{{ src }}"></script>
    {{/ javascripts }}

if template cmp() field values

 cmp().path : '
 cmp().main = [

then result code in html

<link type="image/x-icon" href="/template/inner/0.1.0/img/favicon.ico?ver=0.1.0" rel="shortcut icon" media=""/>
<link type="image/x-icon" href="/template/inner/0.1.0/img/favicon.ico?ver=0.1.0" rel="icon" media=""/>
<link type="text/css" href="/template/inner/0.1.0/css/magic-bootstrap.css?ver=0.1.0" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"/>
<link type="text/css" href="/template/inner/0.1.0/css/style.css?ver=0.1.0" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"/>
<link type="text/css" href="/template/inner/0.1.0/css/print.css?ver=0.1.0" rel="stylesheet" media="print"/>


<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.js?ver=2.0.3"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/angular/1.2.28/angular.js?ver=1.2.28"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/angular-bootstrap/0.8.0/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js?ver=0.8.0"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/angular-resource/1.2.28/angular-resource.js?ver=1.2.28"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/angular-cookies/1.2.28/angular-cookies.js?ver=1.2.28"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/angular-sanitize/1.2.28/angular-sanitize.js?ver=1.2.28"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/angular-ui-router/0.2.13/release/angular-ui-router.js?ver=0.2.13"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mod/core/0.1.8/scripts/mod.js?ver=0.1.8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mod/message/0.1.6/scripts/mod.js?ver=0.1.6"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mod/message/0.1.6/scripts/mod-views.js?ver=0.1.6"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mod/tooltip/0.1.3/scripts/mod.js?ver=0.1.3"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mod/footer/0.2.1/scripts/mod.js?ver=0.2.1"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mod/footer/0.2.1/scripts/mod-views.js?ver=0.2.1"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app/usecases/EPU1m/scripts/app-config.js?ver=EPU1m"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app/usecases/EPU1m/scripts/app.js?ver=EPU1m"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app/usecases/EPU1m/scripts/app-views.js?ver=EPU1m"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app/online/AYGT6/scripts/app-config.js?ver=AYGT6"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app/online/AYGT6/scripts/app.js?ver=AYGT6"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app/online/AYGT6/scripts/app-views.js?ver=AYGT6"></script>