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Script for using devices as external monitors over vnc
Base usage:
git clone git@github.com:cbodden/exttab.git
cd exttab
If using one tablet, now you connect via vnc port 5900, if two tablets then the second one connects via port 5901
Usage explained:
exttab.sh - enables tablets as external monitors
exttab.sh [-1, -2, -h, -H, --help]
[-p passwd ,-P passwd ,--password=<passwd>]
[-l or -L <####x####>, --left=<####x####>]
[-r or -R <####x####>, --right=<####x####>]
[-m or -M <####x####>, --resolution=<####x####>]
[-s <side>, -S <side>, --side=<side>]
This script will convert either one or two devices into external
monitors using xrandr, x11vnc, and a vnc client.
This was tested with linux on a couple of different tablets (android)
and cell phones (android also).
This script can be called with no options for interactive or run with
options on the command line.
This option specifies one tablet. Has to be used in conjunction
[-m <####x####>, -M <####x####>, --resolution=<####x####>]
[-s <side>, -S <side>, --side=<side>]
This option specifies two tablets. Has to be used in conjunction
[-l <####x####>, -L <####x####>, --left=<####x####>]
[-r <####x####>, -R <####x####>, --right=<####x####>]
-p <passwd>, -P <passwd>, --password=<passwd>
This option sets a password to be used in the VNC client. Does
not need to be used but should be so you don't get stray
-l <####x####>, -L <####x####>, --left=<####x####>
This option sets the resolution for the left tablet in the format
of "####x####". Needed when the [-2] option specified.
-r <####x####>, -R <####x####>, --right=<####x####>
This option sets the resolution for the right tablet in the format
of "####x####". Needed when the [-2] option specified.
-m <####x####>, -M <####x####>, --resolution=<####x####>
This option sets the resolution for the tablet in the format
of "####x####". Needed when the [-1] option specified.
-s <side>, -S <side>, --side=<side>
This option specifies which side the individual tablet will
display on.
This option is only used with [-1]
-x, -X, -q, -Q, --exit --quit, --stop
This option stops the running processes.
They are all the same option.
-h, -H, --help
This help file.
This script can be run with no options which will put it into an
interactive mode so you do not have to specify any options.
When using this script in two tablet mode, left tablet will use
port 5900 for vnc and the right will use port 5901. This will change
at some point in the future to allow user input.
Most of the options have multiple formats (example: -h, -H, --help) for
preferential reasons and i also just was really bored while writing the
input section which made writing the usage just so much more difficult.
One tablet (1920x1200 rex) to the right of main display:
exttab.sh -1 -s right -m 1920x1200
exttab.sh -1 --side=right --resolution=1920x1200
Two tablets: left is 2560x1600 and right is 1920x1200:
exttab.sh -2 -l 2560x1600 -r 1920x1200
exttab.sh -2 --left=2560x1600 --right=1920x1200
One tablet: right with 1920x1200 rez with password Tablet:
exttab.sh -1 -s right -m 1920x1200 -p Tablet
exttab.sh -1 --side=right --resolution=1920x1200 --password=Tablet
Stop running tablet(s) and clean up xrandr:
exttab.sh -x
exttab.sh --exit
exttab.sh --stop
- Bash (https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/)
- xrandr (https://www.x.org/wiki/)
- x11vnc (https://libvnc.github.io/)
Author:: Cesar Bodden (cesar@pissedoffadmins.com)
Copyright:: 2017, Pissedoffadmins.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.