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alekz49 edited this page Jul 8, 2011 · 90 revisions

Welcome to the OOM wiki!

This is the new home for the openoctave code, as part of the OpenOctave Project, a collaboration to build a professional workflow pipeline in Linux, for orchestral and film based projects.

OOM is a linux-based classic midi/audio sequencer with a look and feel users will find in commercial equivalents. The midi tools are powerful, and available in a user friendly format favourable to a fast and efficient workflow. With alsa and jack midi, and jack audio, as well as comprehensive instrument sets the user can build templates to his or her specific needs, OOM gets the admin out of the way where possible, leaving the user more time to write music, and bring their creativity to life.

We're continuing to improve OOM, including a better, more intelligent, qwerty based workflow, in addition to the usual mouse use, and refining the tools further to reduce the number of unnecessary actions the user needs to carry out.

Stay tuned!

We're still building our manual, but we have some quick start pages you can access now:

QuickStart Manual


OOM is developed from the base code of MusE (Muse Sequencer) written by Werner Schweer, and maintained and modified to the present day, by the current Muse2 maintainer Robert Jonsson and his team.


We've been updating steadily, but we'd like to mention one in particular.

Nedko Arnaudov has supplied a patch to enable Ladish Level 1 in OOM2.

Many Thanks Nedko.

for more information about the LADI session handler, pay a visit to:

OOM uses icons from the SILK icon set developed by Mark James. We duly attribute Mark with credit for these icons which are licensed under the CC attribution license 3.0.

Legal confirmation done, we'd like to thank Mark personally from the OOP team for this amazing set, and the work that has gone into it. Great stuff Mark, and thanks.

Quick Feature Profile


Handling lots of tracks? Maybe 40? Or 400? OOM has a unique feature to help you manage large track counts, and target tracks or groups of track for quick editing, called TrackViews. You can use the built-in non-configurable Views, or customize your own, with our TrackView Manager. Create any groups of tracks you want, or use our working view that only shows the tracks you have parts in. Now you can create 1 template with everything you want and have, and with custom views, only see what you want to see, with 1 click. You'll find it in the Resource Centre on the left of your window, and you can find out more about it on the wiki page TrackView

TrackViews is built and developed by Andrew Williams, of the OpenOctaveProject team, for you, the user.

Thanks Andrew!

We're always keen to promote the importance of LinuxSampler to the OpenOctaveProject pipeline. It's our professional sampler of choice, and is the powerful engine that drives our substantial sample libs effortlessly.

To find out more, go to:


Mailing lists are up and running, and you can subscribe by sending a blank email with the relevent email address as follows:

For posting to these mailing lists, once subscribed, please use:

You can also find us on IRC at #openoctave (freenode)

**System Requirements**

OOM is built to run on reasonably solid computers, when combined with LinuxSampler, Jconvolver, Composite, Jack, and a number of other utility apps.

As tested in the OpenOctaveProject basement/dungeon, we recommend the following as a reasonable hardware and software minimum for professional use:

Dual Core AMD64 X2 5600+ 4GB Ram 3 x 7,200 rpm HD 64mb cache, with one for a system Drive, and the other 2 as dedicated Sample Lib drives. A dedicated professional grade soundcard. A solid graphics card, but run as 2D, minimizing the cycles involved to run graphics. We're using an NVIDIA GTX 550 with the NVIDIA binary driver, but as mileage with graphics can vary wildly, it's up to you to determine what constitutes good performance for your particular use case.

Our window manager is Fluxbox, which is more than suitable in terms of efficiency. We run no desktop icons, or any other functions that may reduce cycles we want dedicated to audio performance. Shortcuts are your friends.

Where possible, we run associated apps, outside of OOM, from the terminal, negating the need to use a dedicated GUI. This is not as disconcerting as it sounds for new users, as, for example, you can build configuration files for Linuxsampler from a GUI, then run the config file from the terminal, saving a lot of CPU cycles and RAM in the process. The same is true for setting up a configuration file to define IRs for jconvolver.

With a little effort on the part of the user, and a personal reality check on just how many GUI based apps you want open at once, the above system requirements should yield solid performance results.

The above is only a recommendation, and does not constitute a defined minimum requirement to run OOM on your machine, nor does it imply an endorsement of one hardware or software component over another, save those we use on a daily basis, and have good experiences with, providing the stability and efficiency we set as a minimum standard of professional use, at the OpenOctaveProject.

The OpenOctaveProject team is:

Christopher Cherrett

Andrew Williams

Remon Sijrier

Wendy Cherrett

Alex Stone.

We'd also like to extend a warm welcome our newest team member, Goran Mekic.

If you'd like to join the team, as a contributor, be it coding, or additional important contribution (all tasks are treated with equal importance at OOM, however big or small), then please contact us at:

We're still building our manual, but we have some quick start pages you can access now:
QuickStart Manual
We've also done a quick start guide to creating a Linuxsampler template:

Linuxsampler Guide