An online dispensary and store for users to shop, order and purchase medical marijunna and other CBD prodcuts. Built with MERN stack and features a paypal integration.
The store current functionalities and implementations are:
- Users browse the store products and categories
- Users can see the detailed description of the product
- Users can add the products to cart(Its persisted in localstorage)
- Users can wishlist products
- Users must login/signup to complete checkout
- Users makes payment through paypal payment gateway
- Users can see the status of the ordered products i.e "Not processed", "Processing", "Shipped", "Delivered", "Cancelled",
- Users can cancel an order if status is still "Processing"
- Admin can perform CRUD operations on products
- Admin manages the delivery status of orders
- Node provides the backend environment for this application
- Express middleware is used to handle requests, routes
- Mongoose schemas to model the application data
- JWT to handle authentication
- React for displaying UI components
- Styled-components for styling
- Redux to manage application's state
- ReduxJs/Toolkit to handle asynchronous redux actions
- Paypal to handle payment transcations
This application is deployed on Netlify and the backend is hosted on heroku. Check it out 😄 here.
Use this account and card to test out the paypal payment gateway
- Email:
- Password: uncanabi
- Card Type: Visa
- Card Number: 4032039374007484
- Expiration Date: 12/2024
- CVV: 664
$ yarn run dev
$ yarn run build
$ yarn start