This repository contains some starting pointers for implementing your own BERTopic inference server using NVIDIA's Triton.
There are three models: BERTopic-UMAP
that's GPU intensive and needs to run on that kind of host, BERTopic-HDBSCAN
that should run on CPUs and BERTopic-inference
that merges the two in the same server if you can't distribute the load better.
Triton needs your Python enviroment, and due to licensing I cannot upload mine. Here is how you can make and upload your own:
# conda create -n rapids-triton -c rapidsai -c nvidia -c conda-forge rapids=22.06 python=3.8 cudatoolkit=11.5
# pip install hdbscan pympler psutil
# conda install conda-pack
# conda-pack, move result to root of BERTopic-deploy folder as rapids-triton.tar.gz
This assumes you're using the same Python versions between your enviroment and Triton. Look at Triton documentation if they are different (or just change the conda create command above to use the same Python version your Triton ships with).
This compresses your BERTopic model down to it's composing models to save on everything. Run it after training.
fl = open('/root/hdbscan.pickle','wb')
pickle.dump(your_bertopic_model.hdbscan_model, fl)
fl = open('/root/umap.pickle','wb')
pickle.dump(your_bertopic_model.umap_model, fl)
fl = open('/root/mappings.pickle','wb')
pickle.dump(your_bertopic_model.topic_mapper.get_mappings(original_topics=True), fl)
Getting started with Triton can be overwhelming if you've never used it before. Run those commands if you want to get a feel for things:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/v2/models/BERTopic-inference/versions/1/infer --data-binary "@test_query_inference" --header "Inference-Header-Content-Length: 161"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/v2/models/BERTopic-umap/versions/1/infer --data-binary "@test_query_umap" --header "Inference-Header-Content-Length: 165"
If you open the test_query files you'll find ascii character rather than what the model truly expects: FP32 binary bytes. Yes, you need to run your BERT embeddings separately and send them to the model in binary form, it doesn't take ASCII input!
With my complex model (n_components
= 12, 12k topics) I could almost saturate two 3090 GPUs and needed help from 3-4 external 5950x CPUs to keep up with them. You should have much better luck if you keep your model from becoming too complex.
There is a bug or a timeout somewhere that's making Triton dropping maybe 1% of the requests, and that's why the graph above isn't a straight line, but I don't think it's my code.