This is a set of integration tests for the S3 (AWS) interface of RGW.
It might also be useful for people implementing software that exposes an S3-like API.
The test suite only covers the REST interface and uses GO amazon SDK and Golang Environment setup.
Clone the repository
git clone
cd go_s3tests
cp config.yaml.sample config.yaml
The config file should look like this:
host : localhost
port : 8000
is_secure : false
fixtures :
bucket_prefix : test-
s3main :
access_key : 0555b35654ad1656d804
access_secret : h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q==
bucket : bucket1
region : us-east-1
endpoint : localhost:8000
host : localhost
port : 8000
display_name :
email :
is_secure : false
SSE : aws:kms
kmskeyid : testkey-1
s3alt :
access_secret : nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnabcdefghijklm
bucket : bucket1
region : us-east-1
endpoint : localhost:8000
display_name :
email :
SSE : your SSE
kmskeyid : testkey-1
is_secure : false
The credentials match the default S3 test users created by RGW.
The tests connect to the Ceph RGW, therefore one shoud start RGW beforehand and use the provided credentials. Details on building Ceph and starting RGW can be found in the ceph repository.
The s3tests.teuth.config.yaml files is required for the Ceph test framework Teuthology. It is irrelevant for standalone testing.
The script will install golang.
The GOPATH variable should beset before running. Details on setting up Go environments can be found here
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
go get -v -d ./...
go get -v
To run all tests:
cd s3tests
go test -v
To run a specific test e.g. TestSignWithBodyReplaceRequestBody():
cd s3tests
go test -v -run TestSuite/TestSignWithBodyReplaceRequestBody
To run all tests with "TestSSEKMS" in their name:
cd s3tests
go test -v -run TestSuite/TestSSEKMS
Using SSL The server certificate must be present in the cetrificate pool of the system on which the tests are executed.