Ansible scripts to install Ceres Fair Food on a server. This is not intended to be re-run on a production server, as there may be new config changes on the server that aren't yet stored here.
# On Debian 10 Buster:
sudo apt install ansible vagrant virt-manager
systemctl start libvirtd
If virt-manager doesn't work, try virtualbox.
# On macOS 10.15:
brew install ansible vagrant virtualbox
# Also for first-time setup, you'll need sshpass to enter the root password:
brew install hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass # 3rd party tap, check before using. Remove after using.
Add your public key to the repo to automatically set up authorised users, eg:
cat ~/.ssh/ >> files/admin-ssh-keys/$
On Linux, you can also use a more lightweight container system.
apt install lxd
lxc remote set-url images
lxc launch images:debian/11 cff
lxc config device add cff cffport1122 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:
lxc config device add cff cffport1443 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:
lxc exec cff apt install ssh python3-apt cron
lxc exec cff ssh-keygen
lxc exec cff -- sh -c 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' < ~/.ssh/
First, update the initial schema file (files/fairfood_schema.sql). You can generate it from a dev environment or server environment. This will be loaded only the first time you run ansible on the server.
vagrant up
ansible-playbook -i hosts -l vagrant site.yml
# Login to debug:
vagrant ssh
# You may need to manually install the db client:
# sudo apt-get install libmariadb-dev
Tips for testing individual changes:
- Go straight to specific task:
--start-at-task='<name of task>'
- Run one at a time:
Eg: ansible-playbook -i hosts -l vagrant site.yml --step --start-at-task='Install configuration files'
It's handy to take snapshots to quickly revert back to. Eg:
vagrant snapshot save 1-initial
# later
vagrant snapshot save 2-deployed
# later
vagrant snapshot save 3-app-installed
# rollback
vagrant snapshot restore 2-deployed
To test the post-receive script, you can push from your local environment.
Vagrant requires use of a different ssh port. As a shortcut, add a new remote in your fairfood
cd fairfood/
git remote add vagrant ssh://fairfood@localhost:2222/srv/fairfood/current
git push vagrant
Once installed, you should be able to access the web app: http://localhost:8080/
Some community roles have been added to the project with:
ansible-galaxy install -p roles -r requirements.yml
After you changed code, it's nice to see if it's aligned with standards:
# pip install ansible-lint
ansible-lint site.yml
- Add the new server to the
file. - Optionally add public key(s) to
- Run playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts -l site.yml -u root --ask-pass
# root user password defaults to Rimu login
- If mysql isn't working, ensure it really did install:
sudo apt-get install libmariadb-dev
- Push codebase and install app:
git push staging
(this must be done before loading data dump, to ensure any recently deleted tables are removed.) - Load database, eg:
ssh -A
$ ssh "mysqldump -u root fairfood_production | gzip" > old_server.sql.gz
$ zcat old_server.sql.gz | mysql fairfood_production
If DNS is not pointing to this server yet, update it and obtain new certificate:
$ # Add server name to nginx config.
$ certbot -d -d --expand --renew-hook 'systemctl reload nginx'
Finally, remember to disable root login.
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# PermitRootLogin no
Most tasks are not designed to be repeated.
The add-users playbook can be used to add new users.
When running tasks as your own user, you need to include --ask-become-pass
and provide your password.
Using You can refer to defaults:
Choose the latest version of Metabase by setting the variable in all.yml
Use metabase.yml
playbook, eg:
ansible-playbook metabase.yml -i hosts -l --ask-become-pass --user <remote-user>
Default login is / metabase123
Copy existing config database from another installation (eg from /home/metabase/metabase.db.*
). Or config from scratch, including:
- Add MySQL database fairfood_metabase, user metabase, password (see
) - Setup email to use localhost port 25, from
A checklist for migrating to a new production server is here: