This repository contains a combination of private and work related projects. I generally use the following languages:
I would love to do everything in Rust, but that would not be practical, so it is mostly reserved for pet projects. My favourite would be Tauri for desktop or mobile apps, and Axum as a web server.
Python is used to at work to download data from instruments. The data is then analysed and data products are generated. Python is also used to monitor or control instruments. Even though there are possibly better languages for this, when one works with scientists, Python end up being the best for future maintenance. (Not all work related projects are in my repository, since some are stored in organisational repositories.)
When it comes to web development, I started with React, moved to NextJs and Svelte before looking into SolidJs. Currently, SvelteKit and Astro would be my first choice for a new project (given no constraints that require something else).
The TeX/LaTeX files in this repository are used to generate both the learner notes and presentation slides from the same source material for courses that I present. This allows for variants and makes it easy to change the template while keeping the notes and slides synchronised.