Telegram-bot, One of the most popular attributes from Telegram it's the possibility of creating your own bot that does whatever you want. On this occasion, I have created a bot that can be added to a store as a tool that helps to make printer sales and through the "Bot" you will be offered the best variety of products at the time of communicating through Telegram with the account of the company that could use this "Bot".
- Ruby,
- Ruby gem Telegram-bot,
- Ruby gem Rspec
- Ruby gem Bundle
- Linters
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps.
Go to the main page of the repo. Press the "Code" button and get the repo link. Clone it using git clone.
Ruby -v2.7.0p0
Open a terminal Copy this code : git clone "put the link from github repo" Run the program with this code : bundle install Run the program with this code : bundle exec ruby bin/main.rb Stop the program with: "Ctrl + C" (Windows or Linux) / "Command + C"(Apple)
After doing the setup go to your page of telegram
Search for: @printerfinderBot
Click on Start
Follow the messages in order to get the information about the best available products to buy
Select the options you need and finish the shown process.
Microverse Capstone Project - Create a Telegram-bot to run some concepts of Ruby language for learning propose.
From the project's root directory, execute 'rspec' to run the tests rspec
👤 Carlos Gutierrez
GitHub: @cgcarlosg Twitter: @cgcarlosg1 LinkedIn: @carlosalbeniogutierrez
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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This project is MIT licensed.